63. Valentina / Fredrico

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(This chapter is seven days long, so it's kinda lengthy)

I put my robe on and go downstairs to the kitchen. Ivy sat in her high chair as she babbled to Rico. Leo sat in his baby sway swing, looking around peacefully.

I kiss Ivy on the forehead. "Mama!" She says with a smile. I smile back, "Hi my love."

I go to Rico and he greets me with a kiss. He embraces me and I stare into his eyes. "How did you sleep Amore?"

I smile, "Amore?" I question and run my hands down his bare chest. "That's new."

"Do you not like it?" He asks with a head tilt. I softly kiss him, "I love it."

I look over his shoulder, "You might want to take the waffle out. It's burning."

"Shit," he mumbles and spins around.

I turn around and pick up Leo. "Hi my handsome boy," I whisper and kiss his cheek.

I go over to Ivy and kiss her forehead. She doesn't pay me any mind as she scribbles on a coloring sheet.

I gently sway with Leo as he stares at me. Rico hugs me from behind and kisses my cheek. Leo grunts and I hold him up. "Hi baby Leo," I coo and kiss his cheek.

He stares right at Rico. I gasp, "Do you see your papa?" I ask.

"Let me see him," Rico mumbles. I hand him off and Rico smiles. I walk to the refrigerator. "Did he eat yet?" I ask.

"He had four ounces about an hour and a half. He should be ready to eat in about another hour or two." Rico answered.

I grabbed the pitcher of water and poured some in Ivy's soppy cup and put it next to her coloring book. "You you Mama," is her way of saying thank you.

"You're welcome baby," I say and kiss her forehead. She takes a few gulps before going back to her coloring.

Rico hands me Leo back and quickly finishes cooking.

He cooked waffles, eggs, and turkey bacon. He cut up fruit for us and we all sat down and ate.


I watched as Rico packed a duffel bag. He had a six day business trip he was attending.

He goes in the closet and comes out five minutes later with another duffel bag. "It's only a six day trip. How much do you need?" I ask with a chuckle.

"I'm just being prepared Amore," he says. As he zips up the bag I notice a rifle in it.

I look at him, "What do you need that for?"

"Protection," he says with a shrug. "In case anything back fires."

I look him in the eyes. He bends down and kisses me, "Don't worry. I'll be fine, trust me."

I give him a small smile and nod. I peck his cheek, "I do Rico."

He takes my hand and kisses my knuckles. "Lay with me before I go?" He asks.

I nod and look at the baby monitor. Ivy and Leo were both sleeping.

He gets on the bed and I follow. I climb on top of him. I sigh and relax into him. I put my head on his chest and he kisses the crown of my head.

He wraps his arms around me and his hands travel underneath my shirt. He trails his fingers along my spine.

We don't say anything. We just enjoy each other's company until he has to leave. I send him off with a kiss and tell him to call me when he lands.

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