60. Valentina

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My leg bounces anxiously as we get closer to the safe house

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My leg bounces anxiously as we get closer to the safe house. Rico puts his hand on my knee, stopping my leg from bouncing.

"It's alright," He mumbles.

He brushed my hair out my face and kissed the crown of my head. I lean into him and rest my head on his shoulder.

When we get there I feel like I have to throw up. "Go," Rico tells me. "I'll get Leo."

I get out the car and Naveen hold the door open for me. "No need to be nervous V," he tells me.

I see my mom and dad in the hallway, but I don't bother to say anything. I jog past them, "Aaya?" I yell and run into the living room.

Jamila, Rory, Simone, and Leo sat in the living room. Jamila stands up, "What happened to your face Val?" She asks.

"Where's Aaya and Troy?" I ask.

"Upstairs in their rooms. Go up the steps, make a left. Go down the hallway. Last two doors," Simone answered.

"Thanks," I say and dash out the room. "I'll tell you what happened later!" I yell.

I run up the steps two at a time and go to their rooms. Troy was sleeping with Ivy beside him, so I go to Aaya's room instead.

She wasn't in her room. "Aaya?" I call out.

The bathroom door opens and she runs over to me. She jumps on me and we fall back on the bed. "I missed you!" She cries.

I kiss the crown of her head, "I missed you more," I whisper.

We sit up and she sits in my lap and hugs me again. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you," I whisper.

She shook her head, "It was my fault. I pushed you to take Amir in and he ends up betraying us."

I wipe her tears, "It's not your fault," I tell her softly.

"Did Alfonso do... that to you?" She asks and gestures to my visible bruises.

I nod and grab her hands. I kiss the back of her hands. "But it's okay. I'm fine. He'll never hurt you again. He's dead," I tell her truthfully.

I tuck her wet hair behind her ear and wait patiently as she processes what I just said.

"Dead?" She whispers and looks at me. "Like actually dead?"

I nod, "Naveen shot him twice. There's no way he could've survived."

"Can you be honest with me?" She asks.

"Of course," I say.

"We're you there?" She asks.

"Yes. I was... underneath him when Naveen shot him," I answer.

"He was... raping you?" She whispers.

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