Everything I love gets destroyed. First, my biological family, then my adoptive parents. (Or at least I thought.) My life is a wreck, the only control I have is my mafia and company. Until one man decides he wants to change that. Fredrico Rossi, a...
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Cece and Sammy ran to me. "Zio! Zio! Look! I lost my tooth!" Cece said excitedly and pointed to the huge gap.
I grin, "That's good. What did the tooth fairy give you?" I ask.
"Six hundred bucks!" She shouts excitedly. I give her a high five and ruffle her hair.
"Zio mine won't come out yet," Sammy whined and showed me his front tooth. It hanging on my a thread.
"I'll help you get it out," I tell him and stand up straight. I grab their hands and we walk to the car. "Zio are you excited for Thanksgiving?" Sammy asks.
I shrug, "Not really. Are you?" I ask.
He nods, "Mama Lily makes the best chocolate cake. She said I can have as much as I want!"
I help them up into the SUV, "Remember to brush your teeth," I tell him.
I make sure they're buckled in before getting in the car myself. I drive to my parent's house and help them out the car.
Derek and Simone greet them at the door. I picked up the kids because it was on the way to my parents house and it would be easier.
"Thanks for picking them up," Derek said and patted my back. "No problem," I tell him and shut the door behind me.
My mother already had hot chocolate and cookies waiting for the twins. I give Mama a hug and she kissed my cheeks.
"How did your date with Valentina go?" Simone asks.
"It wasn't a date," I tell her.
She pulls out her phone and shows me a picture that was taken of us on the train. "This looks like a date to me."
Mama dramatically gasped and hit my shoulder, "You took her out on a date and didn't tell me? I want all of the details!"
Rory walks in, her hair wild and still in pajamas. "Want the details of what?" She asks with a yawn.
I arch a brow. "You're just now waking up?" I ask.
"Don't judge me I had to do a sixteen hour surgery yesterday," she grumbled with a pout. Mama hands her a mug and she takes it gratefully.
"I saw the pictures of you and Val out yesterday. Are you two dating for real or is it still fake?"
"It's fake still," I tell her.
She hums, "The way you were looking at her screams it's real."
Derek pats my back with a grin, "Oh don't worry, they'll be dating real soon."
"We won't," I tell him.
"We're having Thanksgiving at their place this year. Don't be late to dinner," Mama told me.
My dad came into the kitchen with Cece and Sammy trailing behind him. "Is Amir going to be there?"
"I hope so. Amir is such a sweet kid. It's a shame what happened to him," Mama said with a frown.