49. Valentina

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My worst nightmare is coming true

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My worst nightmare is coming true.

I throw up on the back patio as I try to catch some air and breath.

A hand touches me and I recoil from their touch and swat their hand away. "Don't touch me," I gasp out and throw up more.

"Val honey? Are you okay? What happened?" Jamila asks.

I can't breathe. Everything feels like it's closing in. My vision gets blurry and I hear distant voices. Everything feels so far away.

I can't get in control and I hate it. No matter how much air I breathe in, it's not enough.

"Valentina breathe," I hear someone say. "Nod if you can hear me Val. Can you hear me?"

I nod my head.

"Good. I'm going to touch you Val," I recognize Rico's voice. He placed my hand on his chest. "Breathe with me."

"I can't," I gasp out. Everything was still closing in. I didn't have enough room to breathe.

"Yes you can Val," he whispered softly. "Look at me. Come on, breathe with me. Slowly, in and out."

I try my best to focus on him. My vision becomes clear and I find myself sitting on the ground in his arms.

My emotions go into an overdrive. Before I could even try not to, I break down into sobs.

My worst nightmare has came true. And I can't do anything to stop or change it.

I get out of Rico's hold and pass pass everyone and go back into the house. I quickly make Ivy a bottle while I try to get myself together.

"Val sweet-"

"Jamila not right now," I say and sniffle. "I just need a moment." I grab a napkin and wipe my tears. I take the bottle and put it in bottle warmer.

"Val you're shaking," she whispers softly and tries to touch my hand.

I jerk away from her. "Don't fucking touch me," I snap at her. "I think I know what my body is doing. I don't need you to fucking point it out for me!"

I grab the bottle and go out the kitchen. I go upstairs and into my room. Troy sits up, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing," I tell him. "I was up in the attic looking for something. There's so much dust. I've been sneezing so much i'm crying." I tell him and scratch my nose to make it believable.

He shook his head. "Maybe you're allergic to dust."

"Yeah maybe," I agree.

"Maybe we should do one of those allergy tests. I think i'm allergic to kiwi and papaya. My face is always tingling and gets puffy after I eat it."

I nod and grab my phone. "I'll set one up for you and Ivy."

I kick off my heels and take off my suit jacket. "I thought you were going back to work?" He asks.

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