29. Fredrico

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Valentina comes down with a mean look on her face

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Valentina comes down with a mean look on her face. "Does she always look so mean?" Derek asks.

Troy nodded, "ever since our parents died she barely smiles."

"Plus it doesn't help the fact that she has to sit next to Rico for the entire dinner," he added. "She said you were annoying," he tells me.

Valentina sits down, Troy turns to her. "Oh how lovely for you to join us. I thought you would've stayed in your office for another hour and a half."

She pushed her hair away from her face."Please Troy. I'm not in the mood," she said. Her tone had an underlying anger.

"Do you know who pissed in your mother's cheerios this evening?" Aaya coos to Ivy and tickles her stomach. Ivy laughs and kicks her feet.

Naveen comes out with Jamila tailing behind him. He puts the lash dish on the table. My parents come out with Rory and they all sit down. Sabrina and Blair come out the kitchen last with a bottle of wine.

"Are you okay mija? You look a little stressed," Jamila asks.

Valentina smiles softly, "i'm fine. Thank you."

We say a prayer then start to eat. Aaya passes Ivy over to Valentina. Valentina poured the glasses of wine, then when she got to herself she nearly filled it to the brim.

She drinks about half of it before even touching her food. Her friends share concerned glances. Valentina silently eats her food while Ivy tries to eat the table cloth.

"So is everyone excited about going to New York?" Rory asks.

"I am!" Troy and Aaya both reply. "I hope there's a chocolate fountain."

"What about you guys?" Rory asks.

Naveen shrugged, "I lived there for about thirteen years. New York is New York."

"Really? Where are you from? I hear an accent," Rory asks.

"Well just take him out on a date," Aaya mumbled. A loud bang went off when Aaya jumped. She winced, "you motherfu-"

"Aaya," Jamila said warningly. Aaya bit down on her bottom lip and stuck up the middle finger.

Naveen barely reacted, "I'm from Brazil. My family migrated when I was about six."

"And you?" Rory asked and nodded at Blair. "You also got an accent."

"I lived in Greece until I was eight, then moved to the states. I stayed in Pennsylvania until I went to high school. I had gotten a scholarship to a great boarding school." Blair responded then looked at Sabrina.

"Uh my parents migrated to the states when she was about eight months pregnant with me. I lived in Virginia until I was about fourteen. My father had found out that I liked girls, so he sent me to a boarding school and disowned me."

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