Everything I love gets destroyed. First, my biological family, then my adoptive parents. (Or at least I thought.) My life is a wreck, the only control I have is my mafia and company. Until one man decides he wants to change that. Fredrico Rossi, a...
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I slam my door behind Fredrico and lock it. "Fucking bitch thinks he can come in my office and disrespect me like that," I grumble.
As soon as I sit back down there was a knock on my door. "I'm going to fucking kill myself," I mumble and get up with a sigh.
I walk over to the door and open it, "what?"
"Jeez V. What the hell did we do?" Blair asked.
"Shit, sorry. Nothing, come in," I mumble and open up the door wider.
They come in and I shut the door with more force than necessary. "We passed Rossi on the way here. He was getting on the elevator. Why the hell was he here?" Sabrina asks.
I kick off my heels and get down on my knees and start to look closely at my desk. I start to feel over everything.
"Uh V? Have you lost your mind?" Blair asks clearly confused. Naveen shushed her.
When I don't find anything I move to the door and start to feel on every part of it. I check and feel every where Fredrico stepped.
I sigh and stand up when I don't find any bugs, cameras, or small listening devices.
I stand up and turn around to face them. "That dick head came into my damn office and accused me of stalking him."
"Me! Stalking him?" I scoff. "Get the fuck out of here. I don't even have time to take a damn shit in peace without having a phone call interrupt it and he thinks i'm stalking him?"
"His ass can burn in hell."
"Okay babe, we get it. You're angry about those allegations-"
"False fucking allegations," I grumble.
"Okay, but sit down and stop pacing. It's easier to listen when you're not pacing." Sabrina said.
"No. I'm too angry to sit," I mumble and stop pacing.
I breathe in a huge breath and let it out, "inhala exhala," I whisper over and over again until I feel like I don't want to punch the wall.
I turn around, "he showed me pictures of him being followed and the said something about his family being threatened."
"Someone has been doing the same to you," Blair made the connection.
"That's why we came here," Naveen said and held out a envelope.
"Oh you've gotta be fucking kidding me," I mumble with a sigh. I take the envelope from him and sit down on the couch I had in my office.
Blair and Sabrina sit next to me and Naveen stood behind us. I open it and picture fall out with a note.
There was at least fifty pictures, if not more. Most of them was of Troy and Ivy. Lastly there was a picture of my mother, father, Troy, and I. It was our christmas pictures from two years ago, before Ivy.