10. Fredrico

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I tied Valentina's arms and feet together and slammed the trunk closed

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I tied Valentina's arms and feet together and slammed the trunk closed.

Derek groaned in pain, "you didn't tell me she had a fucking knife on her."

I shoot him an amused grin, "don't tell me you can't function after getting stabbed."

"She stabbed me then elbowed me in it. What the fuck do you think? And you don't have a damn wife that'll ask you questions!"

"If you're that scared of your wife why marry her?"

"I'm not scared of her. Just very wary."

I roll my eyes, "she's not even scary. Get in the damn car you pussy."

"You've never faced her wrath before. She doesn't even scream when she angry! She just gives you a damn death stare that makes you wish you were never born," he explained while he scrambled to get in the car.

I get in the car and slam the door shut. I grab Valentina's purse and open it. "What the hell are you doing?" He whispered yelled.

I sigh, "what Derek?"

"You're never supposed to look through a woman's purse."

"Why the hell did I become friends with you," I grumble. "I don't give a shit. We just kidnapped her. Looking through her purse is barely an offense."

I dump her purse out on my lap and look through her bag. Makeup, carmex, lipgloss, a diamond watch, a ring-

"That ring is familiar. I've seen it before," Derek mumbled.

I hold it up in the car light, Rodríguez was engraved on it. "This is Alfonso's ring."

"What the hell is she doing with his ring?"

I shrug, "we'll find out later."

I finally get to her wallet. She only had one black amex card, her licenses, and a picture of her daughter.

"The amex card doesn't have her name on it," I tell Derek and hold it out.

He takes it, "Cleo Alvarez," he read.

"Who the hell is that?"

I shrug and put all of her shit back in her purse. "Don't know," I say and put the car into drive.

"You think it was one of her parents name?"

"Her mothers name is Layla Devora. Her brother's name is Troy Devora. Her father's name is Xavier Devora-"

"What about her daughters name?"

I shake my head. "Ivy Devora."

"I heard from your mom her baby was adorable with the most cutest chubby cheeks and doe eyes."

"Fuck her and that damn baby. That baby glared at me. It's evil just like it's mother."

"It? You do realize Ivy is just a baby?"

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