13. Fredrico/ Valentina

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I wake up with a raging headache

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I wake up with a raging headache.

I sit up to find Bianca's throat slit and my men all shot dead around me. "Fuck!" I shout and get up. My head spins, but I manage to get up the steps.

I call Derek, he answered with a groan. "Could you not call me while i'm trying to have sex with my wife?"

"Valentina escaped. You need to come here now. Tell Simone you'll make it up to her later."

"You kidnapped the model?" Simone shouts into the phone, worsening my headache.

"Do you have to tell your wife everything?" I ask.

"You were on speaker."

I roll my eyes, "get down here now Derek."

"I'll be there in twenty," he told me and hung up.


"Fuck, whoever got you over the head needs an award. That was a hard ass hit," I glare at Rory.

She looked at me in mild amusement, "how does it feel to get beat by a woman? Your ego must be struggling."

"Shut the hell up Rory," I grumble.

She pressed down hard on my head and I wince. "Don't tell the doctor to shut up."

"Look on the bright side," Derek said as he turned around. "At least she didn't kill you."

"The question is why," I mumble.

"We'll figure that out later. But for now, you have to rest and get sleep."

"No. I have three meetings today. I don't have time for rest. I'm fine. Just a black eye and a sensitive head."

Rory sighed and got out her phone. She dialed a number, "hey Mama! Listen Rico is refusing to rest after..." I try to grab her phone, but she hides behind Derek. I glare at the both of them.

"He got hit over the head and he has a black eye, but he refuses to rest... yeah... okay. I'll tell him."

She came back from around from behind Derek and smiled, "mama said she'll meet you at your penthouse to take care of you. She told papa to cancel your meetings for the next two days."

"Fuck you," I grumble.

She hit me upside the head. I wince, "what the fuck?You could give me brain damage!"

"Don't disrespect the doctor," she grumbled.

"Now i'll be leaving. You made me late for work and if my boss yells at me-"

"If anyone yells at you call me. I'll deal with it," I tell her. Derek nods in agreement.

She rolled her eyes, "I can't get my big brothers to do everything for me. I'll be fine." She grabbed her bag and hosted it up on her shoulder, "toodles! Hopefully Simone doesn't cut your balls off for Rico taking you away from her this early in the morning."

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