47. Valentina

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It's been a week and the stress has only gotten worse

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It's been a week and the stress has only gotten worse. I don't mean to be rude to Amir, but I can't help it. It like every time I see his face it takes me back to watching that video.

Jamila's side of the family was supposed to come today, but we pushed it back because of everything that has happened.

The door opened to my office and I look up from my paperwork. I drop my pen when I see Rico come in with a huge basket.

I put my heels back on and stand up. "What is that?" I ask.

"Care package," he answered and put it over on the coffee table by the couch.

"It has your favorite chocolate, candies, toiletries, a poetry book, your favorite brand of coffee, candles, and a couple other things you can wear around the house. I also got you that new bag that dropped. Sabrina told me you were eyeing it when you two went in the store to shop for Troy," he lists off as he looks at the huge basket.

"I got it in two options, your favorite color, green. They didn't have a light green, but I got it in a dark forest green. I also got it in orange because you've been wearing a lot of orange lately-"

I wrap my arms around him. I could cry right now. This care package is everything that I needed. "Thank you," I mumble.

He hugs me back and pats my back. I step away from him. "You're taking the day off."

I furrow my brows, "No. I have meetings-"

"Your schedule is cleared today and early tomorrow morning. I already checked with your assistant. Naveen, Blair, and Sabrina will take over for you."

I arch a brow, "Where are we going?"

He grins, "Just trust me Valentina."

I cross my arms. "The last time I did that, you threw us out a window."

"I won't throw you out the window this time."

I grab my purse, "Promise?"

He nods, "I promise."

"Fine," I mumble and put on my jacket. "Can I get a hint at least on where we're going?"

"No," he answered and opened the door. I sigh, but follow him out.


I sat in the car blindfolded. This is the dumbest shit i've ever agreed to. I feel the door open on my side. Rico unbuckles my seatbelt and helps me get out the car.

He takes off my blindfold and I blink a few times. I stared at the entrance of a spa resort. I turn back to Rico.

"How long can we stay here?" I ask.

"I only booked for a few hours since we have another thing we're doing. But I can clear it for the next couple days if you'd like."

I smile and grab his arm, pulling him to the entrance. A lady greets us at the front and gives us robes and slippers to change into.

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