51. Fredrico / Valentina

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Valentina wraps her arms around my torso

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Valentina wraps her arms around my torso. I feel her kiss my naked back and she lays her head on my shoulder. Her hands run down my chest, "You smell good."

I turn around and put my cup of coffee down. I grab her face and kiss her. "I like you in my clothes," I mumble and cup her ass.

This has been the new normal for the past few weeks. Valentina comes over, sometimes she stays the night, sometimes she doesn't.

She hums and pecks my lips. She groans, "I have to leave soon. We're taking family pictures tomorrow and Jamila wants to go shopping to get outfits."

"Family pictures? How cute." She smacks my chest and I chuckle. "It's not cute. This is going to take all day."

"Christmas is in three days and you all are just now deciding to do it?" I ask.

"We had to wait until Amir could sit still. I didn't want him shaking in every picture," she said and picked up her coffee mug.

I grin. "The whole family? How adorable."

She glares at me, "Don't even start."

"Speaking of Amir, can you talk to him?"

"About what?" I ask.

"I think one of them were sexually abusing him. I asked him if one of them ever hurt him and he just flipped out. He started banging his fist off his head and kept telling me to make it stop."

She wrapped her arms around my torso. "You're closer to him than I am, so I thought he would be more comfortable talking to you."

"You want me to do that today?" I ask.

She shook her head, "Whenever you're free. But I would like it to be as soon as possible."

I nod, "Did Blair ever find out what was going on with your dads?" I ask.

She lets out a sigh, "No. I'm still trying to figure it out myself."

"How did your parents die?" I ask.

"Gunshots wounds to the chest," she answered.

"When were they pronounced dead?" I ask.

"They were dead on arrival when we reached the hospital," she answered with furrowed brows. "Why?"

"Maybe it's possible that your father survived," I say.

She lets out a laugh and scoff, "That's insane."

Her alarm starts blaring on her phone. She quickly turns it off. "I have to get going," she mumbled and let go of me.

By the time I finish my coffee, Valentina comes back in the kitchen with one of my hoodies and pair of sweatpants on. I narrow my gaze, "You're the one taking all of my sweatpants?"

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