17. Fredrico

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"Can you come out with me tonight please? Aaya and a couple of friends are going

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"Can you come out with me tonight please? Aaya and a couple of friends are going. I want to drink and we don't have a designated driver," Rory asks and grabs my hand.

"I have work to do," I mumble.

"But what if your only sister gets kidnapped? What would you then? Would you even care?" She asks.

"Are you trying to gaslight me?" I ask.

"Is it working?" She asks.

"No. You're a terrible gaslighter. Stick to being a surgeon."

"You owe me from when Valentina shot you in the leg and I had to leave work, then later get yelled at by my boss."

I roll my eyes, "fine," I grumble.

"Don't get all sassy with me. Maybe if you wouldn't of kidnapped her you wouldn't have to owe me anything."

I ignore her little comment, "if you're not ready in an hour i'm not coming."

She runs out my office, "thanks Rico!"

I finish up a few emails and documents before Rory comes in my office. I make a face and she frowned, "you don't like it?"

"If you like it, I love it," I mumble.

"It's a little windy outside. You sure you'll be warm enough in that?" I ask.

"Yes! It'll be hot in the club. I don't need any extra layers anyway. I'll probably be sweating. Anyways, let's go!" She grabs my hand and tries to pull me up out my chair.

I get up on my own and Rory practically runs to the car and gets in the passenger seat. I get in and we make our way to the club.

I sat in the club watching over Rory and her friends when Aaya and Valentina come in the door. Rory runs to them and they say a few words. Valentina goes to the bar.


I get a call from Rory. I look up and notice she or her friends aren't anywhere in sight. I pick up the call, "hey big bro!" she yelled with a giggle.

"Listen I couldn't find you, but then I remembered I have a phone," Rory giggles. "Phone is such a funny word."

"Where are you?" I ask.

"In a uber. We went to our friends house. Aaya passed out and was throwing up everywhere so we all went to our friend's house."

"You have-"

"Yes. I have all of my defensive shit. Also check if Aaya's sister is there. She said she was going home after she finished her drink, but her car was still outside when we left."

"Alright. Be safe," I tell her.

"Don't worry Rico, i'm not that drunk," she yells into the phone, giggles, then hangs up.

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