26. Valentina

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I wake up to Ivy trying to sit on my face

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I wake up to Ivy trying to sit on my face. I pick her up by the back of her shirt and sit her down beside me. She starts to fuss. I look over on the nightstand and the clock reads six thirty in the morning.

I sigh and turn on the lamp. I sit up and pick her up. She stops crying and smiles at me. I get up and bring her along with me to the bathroom. I sit her on the counter and do my skincare and brush my teeth.

I wash her face while she tries to drink the water, then brush her two little teeth at the bottom.

"Want to go on a walk?" I coo at her and gently brush her hair back.

She screams and claps her hands, "I'll take that as a yes," I mumble and pick her up.

I go to the closet and change into workout clothes. I check the weather and get Ivy dressed in the appropriate attire.

I get her stroller and bring it downstairs. I make Ivy a bottle and fill up my water bottle. I strap her into her stroller and get a couple snacks and toys for her to be occupied.

"Ready?" I ask her.

She screams. I grimace, "we'll have to work on that screaming," I mumble to myself and open the front door.


After our run and venturing through nature, I took her upstairs to the gym and worked out while she crawled around in her play area.

When i'm done with my workout I sit on the floor and play with her a bit before picking her up and going downstairs.

I pause when I see Fredrico, Derek, Simone, Naveen, Blair, Sabrina, Jamila, Aaya, and Troy sitting in my living room.

Ivy makes grabby hands at Naveen and he takes her out my arms. "Why are you all here?" I ask breathlessly.

Troy gets up with a huge smile, "Sister! I missed you!" I nearly collapse when he jumps on me.

I hold him up with a grunt. He wraps his arms around my neck, "oh sister, i've missed you so much! I haven't seen you in so long!"

"It's only been two weeks Troy. Get the hell off of me," I grumble. He frowns, "how rude. I feel like i'm not wanted."

I sigh and pat his back, "Troy could you please get off? I'm sweaty and hot."

He gets down and kisses my cheek, "hey sis! How's your day so far?"

"Fine. How's yours?" I ask.

"Good. Sorry I didn't come last night, I had to finish my puzzle."

"It's fine," I mumble and fix my sports bra.

Jamila stood up with her mug, Ivy made grabby hands at her, screamed, then clapped her hands with a giggle.

She picks up Ivy, "Well I'll let you guys get to work," she says. She kisses my cheek on the way out. Troy and Aaya stood up, "bye guys. Remember the deal we had!"

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