59. Valentina / Fredrico

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I only have one more day here

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I only have one more day here.

Just one more damn day.

The abuse isn't that bad compared to what i've experienced. Alfonso doesn't really bother with me, none of them do actually. It's just me and Leo. No tv, no books. Just me, Leo, and an alarm clock.

Alfonso will only smack me here and there if I forget to say yes sir or no sir. If he comes in while the baby is crying he'll backhand me then tell me to "shut that damn baby up."

Vincent hasn't been in once to see his son. I haven't seen any of Alfonso's sons. That big ass guard at the door just hands me my tray of food and slams the door back.

My face is doing a little better. The throbbing pain stopped and my eye is a greenish yellow color. This time around my period only lasted three days, so if Alfonso wants to have sex, I can't use that as an excuse anymore.

I pray the most I have to do is just oral. I cannot live through another traumatic rape. All my sanity might just snap.

I quickly get a towel and wash my hands. I get a baby wash cloth and wet it with warm water. I gently wipe his face while singing him a soft lullaby.

He stares at me with his big brown eyes and I smile back. I take off his beanie. "Hello handsome," I whisper.

"You're so adorable," I coo and take off his pants.

I had accidentally spilled milk all over him because that big ass guard just barged into my room, scaring the hell out of me.

I take off his onesie and diaper and clean him in the sink. After I get him dressed and put to bed I finally pick up my tray.

Before I could even take a bite, Alfonso comes through the door. He comes over to the bed and grabs my arm, pulling me up to my feet.

"Pack a bag," he says aggressively.


He backhands me. "I said back a bag now," he grits out and puts a duffel bag on the bed. He gets his gun out and points it at me. "Now Valentina!" He shouts.

I move quickly to the closet. He watches me closely as I stuff things into the duffel bag. I finish quickly and zip the bag closed.

"Get the baby and let's go," he tells me.

I get Leo's baby bag and get him out the crib. Alfonso's gun digs into my back as he pushed me forward. A man took the bags and followed us out.

Alfonso grabbed the back of my neck, forced me into the suv, and slammed the door shut. I go to the third row, ignoring the looks from Carlos, Vincent, Rafael, and Alejandro.

I put on my seatbelt and hold Leo close to my chest. I pat his back to keep him from waking up. Alfonso gets in the passenger seat and the man in the front drives off.

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