Everything I love gets destroyed. First, my biological family, then my adoptive parents. (Or at least I thought.) My life is a wreck, the only control I have is my mafia and company. Until one man decides he wants to change that. Fredrico Rossi, a...
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I quietly open Troy's door. Jamila and Aaya stood behind me. Jamila had her hand over Ivy's mouth in case she made a noise.
It was Troy's birthday today.
His first birthday without our parents. We were going to have breakfast at his favorite place then we're going to visit our parents grave. Aaya and Rory planned a small birthday party.
Did I background check and do a little bit of stalking on the list Aaya gave me?
Yes. Yes I did.
Do I regret it?
A little. I found really weird things in some of his friends search history.
Who the hell needs to know how long the average giraffe's penis is?
Not me, i'll tell you that.
We started to sing happy birthday as he woke up. When he realized what was going on he sat up with a smile.
We finished singing and he blew out his candles. I set down the little cake and he hugs me tightly. "Happy birthday," I say and kiss his cheek.
"Thanks sis," she said with a giant grin.
Ivy crawled up on the bed and clapped her hands while trying to say happy birthday. She could only really say the day part, but hey, at least she's trying.
He kisses her cheek and give Aaya and Jamila a hug and kiss. "Thanks guys. I really appreciate this."
Vegas jumps up on the bed and barks. Troy pets him and looks over at the small personal cake I got him. I hand him a fork and he grinned and took it.
He takes a bite of the cake. "This is so good," he groaned and offered me a bite. I take a small bite and nod, "It's good."
I stand up, "Get ready, we're going to your favorite breakfast spot," I tell him.
He gets up and puts down the cake. "I'll be ten minutes max," he said and went into the bathroom.
After breakfast I got Troy flowers and then we got our parent's favorite flowers. We drove to the cemetery and I park the car. Jamila and Aaya stayed inside the car.
I clean off their graves and remove the old flowers and put down the fresh ones. Troy sits down and I sit next to him. I rocked a sleeping Ivy in my lap.
I wrapped my arm around Troy and he placed his head on my shoulder with a sniffle. "I wish they were here to see us and our accomplishments."
"Yeah..." I whisper. "Me too," I mumble and kiss his forehead.
"I had a dream last night," He tells me.
"What was it about?" I ask.
"They didn't die. They just faked their deaths. They came back with cake and ice cream for my birthday and you went ballistic and insane and we had to put you in a mental hospital."