Chapter One- Where Have You Been All My Life

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"Don't you fail me, Lizbeth Steele."

My father's voice rings out in my head as I struggle to pay attention in class. Normally I was a whiz in Algebra but all I could think about was what I was supposed to be doing after school.

I, Lizbeth Steele, had to magically convince Hunter Grey (the baddest bad-ass) to go to school. I know it sounds stupid. A nerd convincing the bad boy to go to school. Why would he listen to a little old nerd like me who's scared of her own shadow?

Allow me to explain. My father, Principal Steele, treats his job like its a God. So education and being in school is very important to him. That's what made me the school loving nerd I am today. He never wants to see any student out of school and/or failing.

Hunter Grey is hardly ever in school unless it's to mess around with a girl or start (and end) a fight. I had to admit, he was undeniably handsome. He got all the girls with his charm, charisma, and his Hunter Jr. downstairs. But that's beside the point.

The point is, he needs to come back and make up for his lost days or else he would fail the 12th grade. How he managed to pass eleven grades was honestly a mystery to me.

"Hey, Daddy's girl, I'm talking to you," a voice whispered.

I snapped out of it and saw none other than Claire Hemmings give me the bitchiest smirk she could possibly muster up. Arguing with her was useless so I just chose to ignore her. You know those pesky mosquitos that fly around your head and you can't seem to catch it but it's really bothering you? That was her.

Not even looking at her, I continued trying to listen to my math teacher lecture. Then, I felt a paper ball whack me in the head. Claire laughed and I just wanted to die.

"Is there a problem, Ms. Hemmings?" My math teacher asked.

"Not at all," Claire lied, still snickering.

I wanted to so badly tell on her. But like they say, snitches get stitches and Claire wouldn't hesitate to bury me. She already hates my guts.

Sighing, I went back to half-listening all in the while of figuring out how to persuade Hunter.


When the bell rang and school was over, my heart started to pump faster and faster.

I walked off of campus and towards my bicycle. Yes, I know how lame I am by not having a car. But my father's afraid that my natural born clumsiness will get me in a horrible car accident and I agree. I was supposed to be headed to The Curly Fry Emporium (cool name for a fast food place, right?). It's where he supposedly hangs out with his henchmen in the afternoon.

Breathing a sigh, I climb on before biking my way.

About ten minutes later, smells of all things curly fry waft into my nose and my stomach growls in hunger.

"You better be in here, Hunter," I muttered under my breath.

After parking my bike, I walk into The Curly Fry Emporium. Looking around, I start losing hope at ever finding the guy.

I hear a laugh and turn to see a sex god stand up. I immediately realize it's Hunter and I stand frozen for a second.

C'mon, Lizbeth, you're a Steele. You can do this.

Walking towards him in a confident pace, I immediately am a couple of inches apart from him.

"Um, Hunter?" I asked meekly.

He turned at the sound of my voice and looked into my eyes. I swear to glob, I wanted the ground to swallow me up right there. Why'd he have to be hot?

"Do I know you?" Hunter asked.

"No...," I answered, "But if you don't mind, can I have a couple minutes of your time?"

Hunter knit his perfect eyebrows in confusion before saying, "Ok."

First part accomplished. So far I wasn't in a ditch.

We walked outside and I was opening my mouth to talk when Hunter spoke first.

"Well, what are you waiting for? I didn't bring a condom but YOLO, right?" Hunter asked, getting closer.

"Um, excuse me, I'm not here for that," I said, backing up.

"Oh. Um, sorry. I'm used to-," Hunter began to say.

"Spare me the details. Please. I'm here to simply, I don't know, ask if you could come back to school. I'm not concerned but my- the principal sent me here to persuade you to come back so you can graduate and get a decent job," I replied, "Think about it. Being in high school is a great learning experience and you get to be with your best friends. Probably the best you've ever had. You discover lots of great opportunities and might even find the career you've always wanted. And plus, not graduating holds you back farther in-."

Hunter put his hand on my mouth before saying, "I'll go. Just please spare me the lecture."

"You swear?" I asked.

"Yeah," Hunter answered.

"You swear on your mother's grave even if she might go to Hell because you lied?" I asked.

A look of sadness crossed Hunter's face before he smirked and said, "Yes."

"Pinkie swear?" I asked (Yeah, I know I'm childish) while holding out my pinkie.

Hunter laughed and linked pinkies with me. After he let go, my pinkie felt tingly as if it had been electrocuted.

"Can I get you something?" Hunter asked, "At least to pay you for carrying this lovely message to my ears."

"Uh...If you want," I said shyly.

"Hey...I don't bite," Hunter said with a small smile.

I smiled back.

"Hard," Hunter added before opening the door for me.

"Thank you," I said before walking through the door.

Once in, I walked side by side with Hunter to the front.

"Welcome to The Curly Fry Emporium. How may I help you?" the girl at the front asked.

"Uh...a double bacon cheeseburger for me and the lady would like a-," Hunter answered.

"Medium fry," I answered.

The girl nodded before saying, "That'll be $12.49."

As Hunter payed, I began to wonder what time it was.

"Find us a seat, ma'am," Hunter said cockily.

For Hunter, cocky and hot were a deadly combination.

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