Chapter Fourteen- Just Kiss Me Already

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"Can you get over it please?" I asked, climbing in the passenger's seat.

"I can't help it. You looked super hot punching Claire," Hunter answered.

"I? Hot? Puh-leeze," I said with an eye roll.

"What do you think you are?" Hunter asked.

"Very very boring. Average. Invisible," I answered.

"You're anything but invisible. You're definetly not boring. You have to admit that. Average? Ha. You already know," Hunter said.

Just then, Hunter leaned forward and sniffed me.

"What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Doing. Hunter. Grey?" I asked as he smelled me.

"You smell really nice. 10% is pizza but the rest is you," Hunter answered.

"You are 100% creep," I said jokingly.

"Thanks," Hunter replied.

"Of course. This day was cool. Despite the fact that my knuckles hurt for like five minutes. I can't wait for the next place. Hopefully, Claire-free," I said.

"Where we're going should be. You like parks? I figured we could go and chill out. Walk or something," Hunter said.

"You really do want to spend the whole day with me," I said.

"Yeah. If it were up to me, I'd spend the whole night with you too. Not in that way, of course. But I'd like to sleep next to you. You seem like a teddy bear," Hunter replied.

"Aww...," I said, wiping an imaginary tear.

Hunter laughed and I laughed with him.


I looked at Hunter like he had three heads.

"I'm wearing flats. I can't walk that far," I said.

"I'll carry you then," Hunter said.

I laughed before stopping once I saw how serious Hunter looked.

"No," I said, backing away.

Hunter pulled me closer and picked me up bridal style. I squealed.

"Feel better?" Hunter asked.

"Don't drop me. Please," I answered.

"I won't. I promise," Hunter said, kissing me on the forehead.

I closed my eyes as he did and opened them again right after.

"You don't have to carry me. I have two legs. I was just joking," I said.

"There's no problem. You're light," Hunter replied.

"I can't talk serious if I'm being carried," I complained.

"Try," Hunter said.

"You're so stubborn," I said.

"Love ya too," Hunter replied.

"I was wondering...well, I thought about it just now actually. If I could have a do-over," I suggested.

"Do-over of what?" Hunter asked.

"Going over to your place. Last time didn't exactly go as planned," I answered.

Hunter laughed before saying, "No it didn't."

"So what do you say?" I asked.

"I say yeah. What day are you free?" Hunter asked.

"Any day," I answered.

"Great. Cara was getting mad at me about that actually. She was all like how come you dumped your friend in our pool? And I was all like Cuz I could," Hunter replied.

"Oh my God. The way you tell stories," I said.

"I know. I look hot, right?" Hunter said with a cocky grin.

"I wouldn't say that...," I replied with a mocking grin.

Hunter stuck his tongue out at me before suddenly turning off the trail. I was confused.

"Are you crazy?" I asked.

"No. Just troubled. Anyways, I come here all the time. Besides, I want to show you something," Hunter answered.

"You're always showing me something," I said, "I'm getting pretty used to it by now."

"Great. Cuz you haven't seen the big one yet," Hunter said.

I instantly thought wrong.

"Ew!" I exclaimed.

"Get your head out of the gutter. I don't show my dick like that. I'm a classic man," Hunter said.

"Coming from the same guy who wanted to do it with me the first day with no condom," I said sarcastically.

"I didn't know who you were," Hunter said defensively.

"I'm just joking, love," I replied.

"You called me love," Hunter said.

"I heard it on a tv show. It sounded nice so I decided to try it out," I said with a shrug.

"It sounds really nice," Hunter said.

Hunter soon stopped. I had been so busy talking to Hunter I forgot we were even walking.

"We're here," Hunter said.

He put me down and my legs were acting a little weird so I stretched and they were as good as new.

We were near a stream. It looked pretty.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"I used to come down here to think about stuff. I still do. I came here just recently a couple of days ago. I thought about you. How to approach you. I initially just thought wait. But the day before you came over to my house, I changed my mind. It was probably a good thing I did," Hunter said, now sitting down.

He wasn't looking at me. He was just staring at the water with a knowing look in his eyes. I was looking at him and even I could see it.

"Are you scared of me, Lizbeth?" Hunter asked.

"I used to be," I answered honestly.

"Why?" Hunter asked.

"Because of all the things I've heard. If it wasn't my dad, I would've never grown the courage to talk to you. After all, you're a bad boy. I was scared you were gonna pummel me to the ground or something," I answered.

"I've never hit a girl in my life. I've hit guys who have acted like a total pussy but I don't think that counts," Hunter said.

"Well, I know that now," I said.

Hunter turned to look at me and said, "You know I'd never hurt you, right?"

I nodded.

"So don't be afraid. Let me in. Please. I promise I won't hurt you. You're probably the only girl I've ever told this to. And I'm glad you are," Hunter said.

I was about to cry.

"Ok. Can you do one thing for me though?" I asked.

"What's that?" Hunter asked.

"Just kiss me already," I answered.

Hunter smiled before leaning towards me and just like that, he stole my heart with a kiss.

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