Chapter Eight- Please Don't Go

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Surprise!!! This whole chapter will be in Hunter's P.O.V. I know. I know. You can love me later. Now read. Please.

I saw Lizbeth walking towards me and I couldn't help but smile.

"I thought you were going to bail on me for a second," I said.

"Why would I do that? One thing I strive to not do is back out of a favor. No matter how ridiculous the favor is," Lizbeth said, giving me a look.

I ran my fingers through my hair, trying not to reach out and just grab her to bring her closer.

"C'mon," I said, walking away towards the boy's bathrooms.

"What are we doing?" Lizbeth whisper-shouted to me.

"You'll see," I said in a knowing tone.

Once in the bathroom, I found the window and opened it. It was sorta small but nothing I couldn't accomplish.

"Outside of this window, there's a ladder on the right side. Climb all the way to the top where the roof is. I have a surprise for you there," Hunter said.

"A surprise?" Lizbeth asked.

"Yeah," I answered with a nod, "I managed to pull it off during third period. Remember my 'bathroom break'?" I said with a mischievous grin.

"What else is new?" Lizbeth said with a roll of her eyes.

"Love you too," I said before climbing out the window.

As I climbed up the ladder, I could see Lizbeth climb under me.

I reached the top about five seconds later and waited for Lizbeth to arrive. When she did, she looked behind me and gasped. I smiled.

"You are the coolest best friend. Ever," Lizbeth said in amazement.

My smile faltered a bit but I picked it back up. I grabbed Lizbeth's hand and pulled her up from the ladder. She fell onto me and we landed on the floor. I was on the bottom and she on top. She looked at me and I looked at her. She blushed and I was about to lean closer when she got up and pulled me up.

Too close.

"A picnic for me?" Lizbeth asked.

"I didn't want to make you suffer with lunch," I answered.

"Well, thank you. You're way too nice to me. I have to do something for you," Lizbeth said.

"The only thing you can do is sit your butt down here," I said before sitting down.

Lizbeth sat down next to me.

"Why?" Lizbeth asked.

"Why what?" I asked.

"Why are you being so nice to me? I don't want my dad to be right," Lizbeth answered.

"What'd he say?" I asked.

"That you're using me for sex," Lizbeth said with a bitter laugh.

"I'd never do that. I swear to God. You're the only girl I've ever known that hasn't attempted to get in my pants. At all. Don't you see you're slowly changing me? Going to school, I haven't been drinking as much and...," I said before suddenly stopping.

"What?" Lizbeth asked.

"Before you met me, I used to smoke weed. But I stopped the day we first met. You convinced me to change. You possibly...saved my life. That doesn't mean I'm giving up cigarettes. Fuck that. But I want to be a better person for you. Just to make you happy. I've never ever felt that way before but in a strange way, I like it," Hunter answered.

"You really mean that?" Lizbeth asked.

"Yeah," I said with a nod.

"Thank you. Really. One, for proving my dad wrong," Lizbeth said.

I let out a little laugh.

"And two, being super duper sweet. To be honest, I didn't expect this from someone like you," Lizbeth said.

"What's someone like me?" I asked.

"You know? Stays out late at night partying with a different girl. All in the while, beating up someone for no real apparent reason. Of course, that's not you to an extent but you're different from the bad boy stereotype," Lizbeth answered.

"Not to mention, you're the only bestest friend I've ever had," Lizbeth added.

I decided to move on to passing Lizbeth a sandwich.

"Sandwich. Yes. I was in a sandwich mood. I used to think sandwiches were named after little old sand witches. Don't judge me. I was five," Lizbeth said.

"I'm not judging. Its still a possibility. I could imagine a little five year old you. Thinking about stuff, all alone," Hunter said, looking at me.

"I wasn't alone. Air was with me," Lizbeth answered.

"Why do I feel like only you would say that?" Hunter asked.

"Cuz it's true," Lizbeth said with a shrug.

"You make very delicious sandwiches," Lizbeth added.

"Thank you. I got some sandwich skills," I said.

"Can you be super duper triple quadruple honest with me?" Lizbeth asked.

"Sure," I answered.

"How long were you on weed?" Lizbeth asked.

"Ever since I was fourteen. I was at that 'I don't give a fuck' phase. My 'friend' persuaded me to try it so I did. It was supposed to be a one time thing but I liked it. It was addictive so I went back. But I promise I'm clean," I said.

It was true. It wasn't like it wasn't tempting. Cuz it was. But I forced myself to not go back. I couldn't lose Lizbeth.

"I trust you," Lizbeth said with a nod.

After we were done, we cleaned up and climbed back down.

We were now in the bathroom again.

I turned to Lizbeth, about to say something, when she hugged me. I, shocked, hugged her back. Since I'm a total creep, I smelled her. She smelled like flowers.

"You smell like flowers," I muttered.

"You don't smell bad yourself," Lizbeth replied.

She heard me. Smooth, Hunter.

"Let's go before anyone notices us," Lizbeth said, letting go.

I nodded and we walked out. I was behind her so she couldn't see the goofy grin on my face.

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