Chapter Two- Maybe You're Not So Bad And Maybe I'm Insane

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My wattpad is acting wonky so instead of a proper dedication. I'll do it the ratchet way. I'm dedicating this chapter to KylieBaudinette for being super cool and rad.

"Thank you again," I said as he sat down in front of me, "But you don't have to sit with me if you don't want me to."

"Don't worry. I want to," Hunter said.

"What about your buddies?" I asked.

"They'll be fine. Less about me. What about you?" Hunter asked.

"Me? That's a very short story. What you see is what I am," I answered simply before eating a fry.

"I'm sure you're more interesting than you're implying," Hunter said.

"Don't waste your luck. I'm a total nerd. Actually the Queen Of Nerds since my father is Principal Steele. Yep, my father sent me here to talk to you. He thought I could get through to you. Which I hopefully did. I have no friends. Except for my phone. Justin Timberlake is pretty cool. And I like fries," I said.

"See. You're interesting," Hunter replied.

"Cut the crap. I mean, look at me," I say with an eye roll.

"I am," Hunter said with a grin.

I blush and hide my face in my hair.

Deciding to avoid the subject of me, I think of a clever thing to say. And the next thing that comes out of my mouth is anything but clever.

"What made you bad?" I asked.

Hunter gives me an amused smirk before saying, "If I told you, I'd be giving away my secret. Wouldn't I?"

"I guess so.'re not so bad," I said with a shrug.

"You're the first person that's said that. Most people have told me I'm heartless and that's what makes me intimidating to most people. Do I intimidate you?" Hunter asked.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

"Uh...not really," I answered with fake easiness.

Hunter narrowed his eyes at me and I felt like I was shrinking into the size of a shrimp under his gaze.

He then took a bite of his burger and stole a fry from me.

"Hey!" I complained.

"I bought it. I get one," Hunter said.

I narrowed my eyes before reaching over and taking a bite of his burger.

"Not bad. I hate ketchup, though," I said.

"Too bad," Hunter said in a mocking tone before giving me a smile.

Looking around, I saw the clock and gasped.

It was 6:00. I had to be home by 6:25. I know. I know. My dad has a very strict curfew.

"As much as I love this conversation, I've got to go home. My curfew is 6:25," I replied.

"You have a curfew?" Hunter asked before bursting into a fit of laughter.

"It's not funny. Goodbye," I said before getting up and fast walking away.

I could hear him follow up behind me and I didn't care. Everyone seems to be making fun of me no matter what.

"Wait up!" Hunter said as we were outside.

I whirled around and was now face to face with Hunter.

"I'm sorry. Alright? I've just never heard of anyone having a curfew at 6:25. You have to admit it's pretty outrageous," Hunter said.

"I know but I get made fun of enough as it is. I didn't need anymore," I said.

"Who makes fun of you?" Hunter asked.

"Its no one important. I'm going back home," I answered.

"Let me drop you," Hunter offered.

"Thanks but I brought my bicycle," I said.

"Bicycle? I'm definitely taking you home. Put your bike in the trunk and I'll take you. C'mon," Hunter said again.

He's such a pest.

"Ok. Ok. Let's go," I said, giving up.

Hunter opened the trunk and I put my bicycle in. He had a huge monstrous truck. Not the usual car of choice for a bad boy. But, hey, who's judging?

I climbed into the passenger's seat and he closed the door behind me before climbing in the driver's side.

"Cool car. I could never picture a guy like you in it though," I said.

"Well, then picture me now. I love her so much. She's my pride and joy," Hunter said, wiping off a fake tear.

I scoff as he turns the car on and we begin to move.

"When you exit here, make a left and go straight. At the second stoplight, make a right before going onto Winston Street. There you make a right and go straight down. My house is all the way at the end on your right," I instructed.

"Sounds easy-peasy," Hunter muttered but it was loud enough so I could hear.

"You do have a license, right?" I asked just out of curiosity.

Hunter smiled, not saying a word.

"Of course," I say, looking out the window.

"Are you this hard on people or do I bring it out in you?" Hunter asked.

"I don't know. I've never really had friends. And the only person I've ever been hard on is myself, I guess," I said, shocked to find myself pouring my whole heart out to him.

"I feel ya. I feel ya. Trying to please your dad, right?" Hunter asked.

I nodded while biting my lip. We were at the stoplight when Hunter turned to look at me and I thought he was looking at my lips.

"Uh, the light's green," I said.

Hunter turned back around and nodded.

"Can you answer me one question?" I asked.

"Yeah," Hunter answered.

"Why did you think I was meeting you just to, like, have sex with you?" I asked.

"Let's just don't always have to know the person you're doing it with. Girls come and go so it doesn't matter anymore. But you're cool. Different, definitely," Hunter said.

"Oh. Ok," I said with a nod.


"We're here," I said.

"Cool. I'll see you tomorrow, I guess," Hunter replied.

It sounded almost like he didn't want me to go. Maybe I was going insane.

"How about you pick me up tomorrow morning? Just so I know you're definitely going," I suggested.

"Yeah," Hunter agreed, "Cool. By the way, you never told me your name."

"Lizbeth. I already know your name," I said before opening the door.

Closing it behind me, I wave and he waves back. Smiling, I turn around and walk to my house.

I feel eyes on me the whole time as I walk inside.

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