Chapter Seventeen- The Talk

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Hunter dropped me off at home at around 7:00. I turned to Hunter.

"I had fun. Sammy wasn't as annoying as you made her sound. Just fun and hyper. Like you," I said.

"Whatever," Hunter said.

"You were right. Chinese food was definitely a good way to celebrate our one week anniversary," I said.

Hunter smirked and nodded.

"Um, I better go before my dad screams about me anymore than necessary," I replied.

"Why would he scream at you?" Hunter asked.

I pointed at the clock on my phone.

"Its way past my curfew. By like thirty-five minutes," I answered.

"I won't keep you any longer than necessary," Hunter said, "See you tomorrow."

I kissed him on the cheek before saying, "Bye."

I practically skipped all the way to the door. I could hear Hunter laugh.

I opened the front door and closed it behind me.

"Lizbeth Steele!" Dad exclaimed from upstairs.

"Yes?" I asked, scared out of my wits.

"I need to talk to you," Dad answered.

I gulped in fear as I walked upstairs to my dad's room.

"What happened?" I asked in fake innocence.

Dad was sitting up on his bed, glaring at me.

"You know your curfew is at 6:25. Do you know what time it is?" Dad asked.

"7:04," I answered.

"What has happened, Lizbeth? Ever since you've been with Hunter, you've been in nothing but trouble. The things I've been hearing about you from school...," Dad said.

"You don't believe it, right? I never slept with Sean. At all. If anything, Hunter has been by my side," I replied.

"I told you to stay away from him and you've done nothing but defy me. I don't like this new you," Dad said.

"This isn't the new me. This has always been me. You've just pushed and pushed on me till I'm so far away that you know the me you want to know and not the real me," I argued.

"Lizbeth, I don't want you to see him again!" Dad exclaimed.

"Dad! I love him!" I shouted.

The whole room went silent and I could feel the tears well up in my eyes.

"No, you don't. You're way too young to know what love is," Dad said, shaking his head.

"But I do know. He's the only one who understands me. Who's willing to do anything and everything for me. And what would you do? Reprimand me and force me to do my homework. I'm tired and tired of being your little good girl puppet. I'm cutting off the strings. For God's sakes, I don't even know how to drive. I'm 17!" I yell.

"Don't use that tone with me! Go to your room," Dad said.

"Whatever," I said.

I whirled around and stormed into the room, slamming the door behind me.

Talking to my dad was like talking to a brick.

I grabbed FSP and cuddled with her on the bed. She licked my face and I smiled.

I could hear my dad stomp downstairs before slamming the front door. I took that as an opportunity to call Hunter.

"Hello?" Hunter answered on the second ring.

"Hi," I said with a sniffle, "Do you think you could stay over tonight?"

"Yeah. Do you want me to come over now?" Hunter asked.

"That'd be nice," I said with a little laugh.

"You ok?" Hunter asked.

"I just really want you here," I said, about to cry again.

"Ok. Ok. I'm coming now," Hunter said.

I hung up and curled up into fetal position. Fluffy Space Princess was already fast asleep.

Five minutes later, Hunter arrived. I heard him knock on my window. I opened it and he climbed in.

"Talk to me. What happened?" Hunter asked.

He sat on the bed and scooched Fluffy Space Princess to the side.

I started pacing back and forth. I tended to do that when I was angry.

"I come home, right? And my dad's all pissed. He says he's worried about me as far as school. He thinks you're influencing me to do bad things. Even though he didn't say it, I know he believes I slept with Sean. Which is crazy! Then he forbade me from ever seeing you again. And I told him I-," I said, stopping immediately.

"What'd you tell him?" Hunter asked.

"I told him that I'm in love with you which set him off and that set me off. I'm just...upset that my dad can't see me as someone about to be an adult and not his little girl," I answered.

Hunter nodded.

"I understand. I see why your dad's overprotective. You're his own daughter. Of course he's going to want the best for you," Hunter said.

"What he thinks is best," I argued.

"Naturally, I'm not the first guy fathers want their daughter to date. At all. But he doesn't want to see you hurt," Hunter said.

"I know all of this already. I'm not dumb. What I'm frustrated with is that he can't and won't understand that you're not going to do that," I replied, collapsing onto the bed, next to Hunter.
Hunter sighed before saying, "It's going to take time. But soon enough, he'll understand. How could he not? You're old enough to make your own decisions. You're a very smart girl."

"I'm glad you came," I said, looking up at him.

He was too busy staring out the window to look at me.

"What are you thinking about, Hunter?" I asked, poking him on the cheek.

"Just stuff," Hunter said.

I narrowed my eyes in suspicion.

"Well, are you going to sleep over?" I asked.

"Of course. I'm already tired," Hunter said.

He then proceeded to take off his shirt and he threw it on the floor.

"Do you mind?" Hunter asked.


"No," I answered with fake easiness.

Is it getting hot in here or was it me?

"C'mon. You'll feel better by morning. I promise you," Hunter said, hugging me and pulling me closer.

I layed on his chest and closed my eyes. And o fell asleep to hearing his heartbeat.

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