Chapter Seven- His Pretty Little Rebel

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I was moody more than usual this morning.

Maybe it had something to do with the fact that my Dad was ruining my life.

I threw on my usual black t-shirt. I was about to put on jeans when I looked at a denim skirt I had. I decided to change it up and put it on. As I was doing my hair in the mirror, I caught sight of eyeliner. My way too girly cousin got me a whole set of five of them. I somehow managed to lose four of them. I assumed I lost them all.

I guess I still had one.

It was a very dark black and I decided to put it on. After poking my eye a couple of times, I finally managed to put eyeliner on.

I observed myself in the mirror and nodded in approval. I looked pretty nice.

"Hunter is outside," Dad exclaimed from downstairs.

"Ok," I exclaimed back.

I brush hair out of my face before walking down the steps.

"Can I still ride with Hunter or is that ruined too?" I asked in a sassy tone.

"You can still ride with him. I'm running a bit late," Dad said.

He kissed me on the forehead before saying, "See ya later, Lizbeth."

He rushed out the front door and I sighed.

I decided against getting breakfast and fast walked out the door with my backpack.

Seeing the all way too familiar truck, I let out a little smile before climbing in.

"You look snazzy," Hunter said with a nod.

"Thanks," I said with a shrug.

"What's wrong?" Hunter asked.

"My dad hates you. He says you're dangerous and you're using me. He wants me to stay away from you. Which is nuts. Because you're my only friend. I'm not going to listen," I said, folding my arms across my chest.

"You're such a pretty little rebel," Hunter said, "Now. Let's hit the road."

"That's all you're going to say? How about saying something encouraging to pep up my spirits?" I asked.

"Something encouraging to pep up my spirits," Hunter answered.

I stuck my tongue out at him and he stuck his out right back.

"Seriously? I'm used to it," Hunter replied.

"Doesn't mean you have to take it," I said.

"Practice what you preach," Hunter said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You and Claire. You can totally kick her little bitch ass. It's whether you think you can that fucks you up," Hunter answered.

I rolled my eyes before looking out the window.

"You know I'm right," Hunter said.

"What were you thinking yesterday?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Excuse me?" Hunter asked.

"What were you thinking yesterday? It seemed like it was more than just keeping me quiet," I answered.

"It wasn't. Oh. You thought I was going to kiss you?" Hunter asked.

"I don't know. I just...," I said, getting super embarrassed.

"I wouldn't kiss you unless you wanted me too," Hunter said.

"Cool. Thanks for saying that. I'm sorry," I replied.

"You're fine, Liz-pizzle," Hunter said with a smile.

I smiled.

Hunter smiled back. By the time we arrived at school, we only had ten minutes left to get ready.

"Meet you at class," I answered.

"See you," Hunter said before walking off.

I began walking off as well. I opened the locker door after unlocking it and grabbed my math textbook.

"Hello Lizbeth," a voice said.

I turned around and saw a guy who I immediately recognized him as Sean Harvard. He was a popular guy who practically acted like I didn't exist. I had a small crush on him back in like the 6th grade. That was before he became an egotistical jerk.

"Hi," I said,

"You look different today," Sean said with a nod.

"Thanks...," I said.

"Are you doing anything this-?" Sean began to ask.

"Lizbeth!" Hunter shouted from across the hallway.

I looked as he walked towards me. He bumped into Sean and didn't say anything. Instead, he gave me a real big hug.

"Hi Hunter," I said, almost losing my breath.

"Hey Lizbeth," Hunter said.

Why was he acting so strange?

"Hello," Hunter said coldly as he looked at Sean.

"Hello," Sean replied back in the same tone.

I looked in between the two of them in confusion.

Sean cleared his throat before saying, "I've got to get going. See you later. I guess."

I nodded and he walked off. I turned to Hunter who looked at me.

"What's your problem?" I asked.

"I don't like him," Hunter answered.

"No shit, Sherlock. But why?" I asked.

"He seems fake. Like he has bad intentions. Stay away from him. You understand?" Hunter answered.

"Yes sir," I said with a nod.

As we were walking away, I thought I heard Hunter mutter, "You're my Lizbeth." But why would he say that?

I just chopped it up to be my brain going nuts and kept it moving.


"Can you do me a favor?" Hunter asked in the lunchline.

"If it's anything illegal, no," I answered.

"Ha ha," Hunter said sarcastically.

Hunter leaned over before whispering in my ear, "Can you skip lunch with me?"

"No. No. No. No," I answered.

"C'mon. You know you want to. It'll be fun. Besides, we'll be back before anyone says anything," Hunter said.

"Trying to fight you is like trying to put a hole in a brick with your bare hands. God. Ok," I agreed.

"Great. Meet me at the front in ten," Hunter said before paying for his lunch.

I sighed. Hunter was like the Devil.

Little did I know, I was about to discover just how devilish he could get.

Short chapter, I know. The next one will be long. I can't spoil anymore except it will be a surprise.

Falling For Hunter, already?

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