Chapter 29

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**Authors Notes**

Hello my beautiful readers, this is the last chapter of 'The God Parent' I'm so sad to even say that, I have put a lot of time into this and it breaks my heart. After this there will be an epilogue but that's it. Thank you to everyone who has read from the beginning and the people who have recently just started, I love you all .xx


**Abigail's POV**

Everything was white, the walls, the light, the sheets that I seemingly was floating in, the sounds even had a white glow around them, it was something I could not explain, nor did I try, I knew what had happened, I was shot.

Suddenly my vision was clearer, there was an image in front of me, standing tall and bright, it's faceless head was staring down at me, and I knew it was smiling "Abi, you are needed you can't let go" the voice whispered, the sound traveling around my head "Louis needs you more than ever, keep fighting" the faint voice once again whispered.

Suddenly my eyes shot open to a plain room, people were rushing around me, Louis at my side crying, not looking up at me, I didn't know what was wrong-why he was crying-but I wanted to comfort him, I lifted my hand and put it in his hair, rubbing slightly, the only thing I could manage to do with my weakness.

Louis' head shot up, his eyes large and red, dark circles under them, his skin a sickly white, all doctors and nurses stopped rushing around and looked at me, a look of astonishment on their faces "she's awake" one of the doctors murmured "it has to be a miracle"

Louis  was only staring at me, suddenly he grabbed onto me. his arms crushing me and causing me pain, "Lou, you're hurting me" I got out, my voice raspy and strained, he immediately let go, standing up

"I'm going to go and get you water and tell the others" he said, a huge smile taking over his perfect features, but he still seemed down, like there was more behind his hurt than just me.

Five minutes later Sophia and Jordyn came running in, both coming to the side of my bed and holding onto me, I let out a small, tired laugh as they stepped back "I'm so happy you're okay Abi" Sophia whispered

"I don't know what we would have done with out you" Jordyn murmured, her voice dropping low

Louis came back in, smiling a large smile, handing me a cup of water that I gulped down quickly feeling immediate relief on my throat, everyone else came in hugging me and giving me comforting words, Simon actually shed a few tears, as did all of the boys.

"Can I have a little while alone with her?" Louis whispered, his expression falling, everyone nodded walking out with their heads down.

A shot of pain went through my stomach, I placed my hand there quickly trying to stop the pain, when I didn't feel the large bump where my baby was my gaze went to Louis who had a guilty expression over his features "where's our baby? Is she okay?" I rushed out " do they have her in icu or something?" I questioned my eyes shooting around the room

"I'm so sorry" Louis whispered coming over to me and hugging me tightly "the bullet hit her, she was gone instantly" tears were rolling from his eyes again, sobs escaping his mouth

"Louis, that is not a funny joke!" I yelled, not wanting to hear any of it "it's sick!" I screamed pushing him off of me, ripping off the needles hooked to my body and standing up, pain shot through my whole body but I didn't care, I was going to find my baby

"Abigail! Sit down" Louis called after me as I wobbled out the door,

"where is my baby!" I shouted to the rest of the group who was sat around the waiting room, their expressions were shocked, scared, and astonished

"she's gone sweetheart" Simon said coming to me and trying to wrap his arms around me

"you to!" I screeched "this isn't a joke!" I cried, nurses were rushing over to me, trying to hold me back, I walked off further, trying to get away from the numerous people

"she's gone, there's nothing we can do baby" Louis' soothing voice suddenly came from behind me "there's nothing we can do" he whispered, I fell to the floor clutching the spot where my baby girl was once held, living and growing

"why!" I screeched "why did this happen to us!" Louis just held me from behind, rocking us slowly

"lets get you back in bed" he cooed picking me up bridal style, careful not to hurt any of my injuries, "it will be okay" as we got back into the room he laid me down on the bed, there were nurses immediately rushing around hooking the wires back to me, I sat staring ahead, tears falling out of my eyes.

"it will be okay Abi" Louis whispered, his hand running through my hair "she is safe, and at least I got you back" his lips connected to mine in a passionate kiss, I kissed back feeling the comfort pour into my body, my emotions were raging, my heart pounding, but that kiss told me one thing, we could get through this, and we were going to get through this.

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