Chapter 25

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**Authors Note**

Ello loves, no one commented on the last chappie:( I thought I would get a lot because of what happened!! :O but oh well, love you guys still<3


"Abs, wake up, you're taking the girls shopping today" Louis warm breathe hit my face as he talked to me, as soon as his words registered I shot up

"I'm up!" I chirped, happy with last nights events, my stomach churned making that happy feeling go away "and I'm to the toilet!" I said running out of the room and spilling the contents of last nights dinner into the toilet, Louis was already holding my hair back and rubbing circles into my back

"It's alright love, you don't have to go today if you aren't feeling well" Louis cooed into my ear, I was already feeling much better though

"I already feel much better, tell the girls I'll be ready in about twenty minutes!" I said pushing Louis out so I could take a shower

"alright" Louis said laughing, we were going to announce last nights event at breakfast, so I was getting nervous, and quite happy, I couldn't help but let a smile overtake me face, I began singing in the shower, quite loudly at that, until I heard Louis' loud laughter and telling me to quiet down.

After my quick shower I got out putting on the outfit that Louis had put together for me which consisted of a white v-neck, and a pair of red skinnies that I rolled up to my ankles, paired with white lace TOMS,

"Louis, I totally look like you" I whined as I walked out of the bathroom

"that was the point! See we are matching!" he chirped as he pulled me into a quick kiss "I love you" he whispered as he wrapped his arms around me

"love you too, but lets go announce it to the part of the family that doesn't know we are getting married" I said pulling Louis down the stairs

"hiya Jay, girls!" I chirped as I took a seat to see a plate with a massive pile of food "this is so good" I moaned as I shoved some pancake into my mouth, Jay laughed and kept eating her food, much more lady like than I was managing

"we have news" Louis sang, Jay raised her eyebrow, she didn't know that he was doing it last night so I'm sure it would be a pleasant surprise

"what is it!" Lottie said bouncing in her seat "is it twins!" she chirped causing me to giggle

"nope only got one in here" I said patting my stomach

"we're getting married!" Louis cheered, everyones jaw dropped besides Jay, she stood up and hugged Louis

"you didn't tell me you were doing it so soon!" she said tears streaming down her face

"well, if you wouldn't have talked to her about anything like that then I wouldn't have! I would have been more romantic then taking her to my old tree house" Louis said with a childish pout

"Lou, I loved it, don't stress, it was so romantic" I said through a mouthful of food causing Louis, and the girls to crack up

"well, I'm so proud of you two, and I can not wait for the wedding!" Jay said clapping her hands "how about I take it into my hands to plan! Louis, you have your band to pay attention to, and Abi," she said giving Louis a 'you better' look "and Abi love, you are pregnant" I smiled, I was dreading having to plan out the whole wedding

"I would love that! One request though, I have this beautiful Sapphire necklace that was my mothers before she passed, and I was going to base the whole wedding off of it, and I was wanting it to be very vintage" I said with a smile

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