Chapter 24

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"They all love you" Louis whispered into my ear as we were laying down in his old room, it was odd, seeing the place he use to live,

"you sure?" I said staring into Louis' eyes that were seen through the dark

"I know it love, when you came up here to get dressed the Lottie told me to never let you go and how she was excited for the baby, my mum also adores you, so do the other girls they can't wait until they get to spend time with you" Louis said kissing my cheek

"I'm glad they don't think I'm an absolute slut" I said tears coming to my eyes "Louis, I'm crying again for no reason" I said sighing

"I know love, it's your hormones, my mum is still downstairs cleaning up, why don't you go talk to her, I think she could give you some good advise considering all the kids she managed to have, not to mention four of them are girls" Louis said chuckling which brought a smile to my face

"brilliant idea," I said crawling out of the bed and kissing his cheek before slipping on a hoodie and skipping out of Louis' room "Hiya Jay" I chirped as I grabbed a towel and began drying the dish's she was washing

"hello Abi" she said sending me a warm smile and setting the plate she had in her hand in the warm water

"I was just wondering if we could talk, you know about the pregnancie and things" I said sheepishly

"that would be a brilliant idea!" she said with a grin "I'll put some tea on and we can take a seat in the living room yeah?" she said with a huge smile

"sounds lovely, I'll go take a seat there" she gave me a nod and I made my way into the living room, there were pictures of Louis everywhere, when he was a baby, him as a toddler-a very adorable one at that- and him at the xfactor, and pictures with him and the girls, he looks so happy in every picture, his eyes shinning and smile showing

"He always looks so happy doesn't he?" Jay said as she came in the room and stood by my side where I was holding a picture of Louis on his last visit with him and the girls

"that's what I was just thinking, it's incredible" I said with a little giggle

"it really is" she said as I sat the picture back on its shelf and took a seat across from Jay where my tea was sitting, I took a sip and then look back up "I'm really glad that Louis found you, he truly hasn't been as happy as he use to be until I got that call about you, I just knew you were special" she said with a smile

"a call eh?" I said with a chuckle

"yes, he called one night telling me the whole story, and how beautiful you were and that you were special, but Niall had his eye on you and he wasn't going to get in the way of that" she said with a frown "I told him to go for it, but he wasn't going to do that to his best mate" she said taking a sip of tea

"I thought I loved Niall for a little while, he was a safety net though, I mean I love him, just not in that sense" I said looking at my hands

"I understand, we are all blinded at some point, but eventually it all falls in place, I remember that second call, him telling me about Eleanor, he sounded happy sure, but there wasn't that bounce in his voice like when he talked about you, I brought you up and he got all angry and said he had to go, I knew at that point he was in love you with you" Jay said, her face forming a huge grin "that's when I knew my little boy had grown up, he is willing to do anything for you, you know that right?" she questioned

"It's hard to believe, but yes I know, considering he didn't run off once I realized I have a little human growing inside of me" I said looking down at my stomach "I'm just surprised you didn't think of me as a girl that just gives herself away when we told you" I said with a nervous laugh

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