chapter 26

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**Authors Note**

I have written a prologue to a new book, a Zayn fan fiction(: I'm not planning on posting it until this book is finished though. If I get 20 votes on this chapter, I'll post it as soon as this chapter gets to 20(: SO GET VOTING because this book is better than any other book I have written in my opinion


"I don't wanna" I whined as Sophia sat on my bed trying to get me to go wedding dress shopping with her, I love shopping don't get me wrong, but at the moment I feel like sitting around, crying and eating everything in sight

"just come on, Jay said the wedding is going to be in a month so that you are't to big, so lets go, get up, now" Sophia said hitting me on the head with a pillow

"fine, lets go" I said under my breathe while standing up and grabbing my keys

"you're going dressed like that?" Sophia said looking over my body, I was wearing my white sweats, a pink jumper and my hair up in a messy bun

"I'm going to be changing out of it anyways, so come on" I said rolling my eyes and walking down the stairs, the boys were all at their own flats getting rest all for different reasons, Louis and I were going house hunting tomorrow, Harry and Soph are going to meet his parents, and Niall is spending the day with Jordyn.

They are the cutest thing ever, they instantly clicked, getting along like an old married couple, you will never see them apart, and Niall has really helped her with everything she is going through, we talked about Louis and Niall quite a bit together, we are just madly, deeply in love.

We pulled in front of a huge, very posh looking building I suddenly started regretting my wardrobe choice "I should have worn something else" I muttered under my breathe

"I told you" Sophia said rolling her eyes

"oh well, I'm pregnant, and lazy" I said as I stepped out of the car and climbing the steps

"Hi, we have an appointment under 'Cowell'" Sophia sweetly said to the older woman sitting behind the marble counter

"sure, darling just wait here while a consultant comes to get you" she said with a warm smile, we nodded and went and sat in the waiting area provided.

Minutes later a short woman with a blonde bob came walking over, her heals tapping against the shiny floor, "hello, I'm Marisa and I'll be your consultant today" she said with a huge smile

"hi, I'm Abi, and this is my sister Sophia" I said shaking her out stretched hand

"and you're the bride if I'm correct?" she nodded towards me

"correct" I said nodding me head curtly

"alright, well lets get started then!" she said clapping her hands together, and started walking towards a hallway, we found a small room and took a seat

"okay, so first tell me what you are looking for, what style and price range?" she questioned, Sophia stepped in for me, knowing what price range

"we don't have a limit on the price" she said smiling

"okay, and what about the style?" she said writing on her paper

"I want something vintage, and with lace, something elegant" I said picturing my perfect dress

"easy, now why don't you tell me some about you and the groom?" she said, I got a bit nervous to tell her that he's Louis Tomlinson, because she's clearly young so she could be a fan, but if she was an obsessed one then she would have already recognized me I'm sure

"erm, his Names Louis, Louis Tomlinson and he's perfect, that's really all there is to tell" I said with a shrug

"oh goodness! Now I know why you look familiar, Louis that one from the boy band and you are Simon Cowells god daughters," she said lightly smacking her forehead making me giggle Sophia chuckled and kept looking at her phone-texting a certain curly haired boy I'm sure-

"alright, so lets get started, I'll go and grab a couple different gowns to start off with" she said with a small smile before jumping up and swiftly walking out of the door

"I thought she was going to be a fan for a minute" I told Sophia as she looked up from her phone with a smile plastered on her lips

"so did I, I'm glad she wasn't" she said typing away at her phone once again, she gave me the idea to text Louis seeing he was home with out anyone because Harry was going out with some friends

'hey babe(: don't know if you know this, went wedding dress shopping, did you hear the wedding is going to be in a month :O anywho, what are you up to? Love you ~Abs xx'

I put my phone down smiling at the wall, just thinking about Louis made me happy, my phone went off never failing to give me little butterflies just to read his reply

'Ello love of mine (; I didn't know that! No one tells me anything :'( and a bloody month! Again, why am I never informed! :O Love you more peanut(; ~Lou xx.'

I laughed at the new nickname that he recently gave me, and sent him another quick text right as Marisa came trailing in about four gowns in her small arms,

'I wasn't informed until I was forced out of the house by my obnoxious sister :P Love you more than a fat kid loves cupcakes walrus(; ~Absters xx.'

Ever since he thought it was okay to call me 'Peanut' I started calling him 'walrus' which only lead to him sticking straws in his mouth and slugging himself across the wood floor.

"alright, I have some great choices here, there is one that I think is going to be the one" Marisa said a huge grin on her face

"alright, lets get to trying them on! Oh! Just to warn you, I am pregnant so my bump might get in the way slightly" I said looking at the floor

"you are tiny, you will be fine!" she said pulling me to the mirror, she pulled out a dress that was long, and silk 'already not a choice' I thought as I saw it, I'm not a fan of silk, especially for a wedding gown

"erm, actually could we just get to the one that you think is the one, because I just need to find one" I said as nicely as I could

"oh of course!" she said laughing and putting the dreadful dress back on a hook, and grabbing a bag that covered what was underneath it, I was anxious none the less to see what awaited from underneath, as she pulled off the bag a gorgeous dress came into view, it was long and flowing, all lacy material that was see through and had an off white under color, but that wasn't my favorite part, the back went down to just above my butt and was all see through white lace

"it's beautiful" I gasped, it was the perfect amount of vintage with the high neckline and short lace sleeves, "get it on me!" I said jumping slightly

"alright!" she said as I undressed and slipped the beautiful dress on, I turned to face the mirror and gasped, I looked truly beautiful, it fit me perfectly, my bump was invisible, and the color brought out my skin, my eyes shinning "this is the one" I breathed

"sis, you have to get that one" Sophia screeched causing me to laugh

"believe me I am!" I said pulling it off and getting back into my sweats

"I'm getting this one" I said with a smile facing Marisa

"alright, we will get measurements, I'm going to have you wear a baby bump so that we know the size to get it in and you should be good!" she said clapping her hands.

Walking out of the building after getting measurements taken I stopped on the bottom step, this is real, and it's hitting me now, I'm pregnant, getting married, and tomorrow finding the dream house I've always wanted, with the man that I am in love with, I'm truly madly deeply in love with Louis Tomlinson, I got a sudden urge to scream it to the world.

"I'm truly in love with Louis Tomlinson!" I screeched "so in love with the crazy boy!" I screamed again at the top of my lungs, the cold London air hitting me, people walking past me staring at me like I was mad, but that's the thing, I am mad, madly in love.

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