Chapter 5

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    We were still stuck on the Eye, and no progress was being made, Louis and I had been sitting in silence now for some time. "So, I guess we will be seeing a lot more of each other" Louis said with a smirk, "I guess," I said raising my eyebrow, "why do you have that creepy smile on your face?" I asked with a laugh, the smile dropped and Louis frowned, "sorry," he said sheepishly, I started laughing hysterically, "what is so funny?" Louis said crossing my arms, only making me laugh more, "what!" he whined like a three year old, "you are just so childish!" I said in between my laughing fit.

       I realized something else, "so what, if Simon Cowell is my god father, that means my parents use to be piratically best friends with the owner of Syco records!" I screeched, happy that I was this close to someone who could get me far, of course I wasn't going to push him into it, but a little help would hurt, "I guess so" Louis said with a huge grin.

         We were still sitting with our heads leaning against the glass, Louis and I were closer than we were before, our hands were touching and our knees leaning against each other, a blush ran across my face, I never blushed that wasn't me, I didn't let my self be effected by the creature called boy, "well I don't know you but I'm knackered" Louis said hitting his head against the thick glass, I giggled, "British slang has always made me laugh, but I'm pooped too" I said normally, Louis looked in my direction and raised his eyebrow, "you're pooped? Which country has the interesting slang?" he said with a chuckle, I nudged him and giggled.

          My eyes were beginning to get very heavy, I looked at my clock one more time to see it was two in the morning, I gasped and thought about calling Simon or Sophia, but decided against it, considering how tired I was,.

          I woke up, my back aching and head against something soft, I was also sitting somewhere very comfortable, I opened my eyes and let out a big yawn, I heard a laugh from behind me, I turned to see that beautiful face from last night, everything came back to me instantly, and I noticed it was morning, checking my phone I had fifteen missed calls, and forty texts, "what is it?" I heard a voice from right behind me say, that's when I noticed where I was sleeping, I was sitting on top of Louis lap, and my head was on his chest, I quickly jumped tried jumping off of him, but his arms stopped me, " what are you doing?" I said wiggling around trying to get free, "well one, you might not want to do that love, and two you are warm and I'm very cold," another blush formed its way onto my face and I stopped moving.

          "Simon?" I said into the speaker "I'm so sorry, I went on the London Eye, and it shut down, I guess they still haven't fixed it" I sighed, "and you will be very surprised to know who I have made friends with" I Said giggling, "Louis!" Simon laughed and said of course, telling me bad luck fallowed him like a lost puppy, he said to call  him when I got off, because he was in a very important meeting, I decided to call my sister too, she had to be worried sick.

**Louis' POV****

            She sat there talking to Simon, he has become family to me and the other lads, and I was surprised he hadn't told us sooner there would be a new addition to our little 'family'. Abi was truly beautiful, with her long blonde hair and bright blue eyes that looked like a sunny day at the beach, the little freckles that ran across her nose, that you could only see getting so close to her, and with her sitting there on my lap, I felt something I haven't felt with a girl in ages, trust, and happiness.

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