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**Authors Note**
last of 'The God Parent'


**10 years later**

I stood in the kitchen mixing the cooking dough mix, Madeline and Josh standing at my side, sneaking small amounts of the sweet mixture "Maddie, Josh, I see you eating the cookie dough" I cooed as I bent over and pinched the two's faces,

"what are my favorite little people up to?" I heard Louis say as he walked down, his hair wet from the shower

"We're baking cookies for everyone dada!" Maddie said in her adorable three year old voice,

"they're chocolate chip!" Josh said, bouncing around with his eight year old enthusiasm

"when's everyone suppose to get here?" I questioned putting the spoon down and walking over to where Louis had picked up Madeline

"any minute now love" he said in his British accent that I adored so much, as if on cue the doorbell rang and a murmur of voices were muffled by the wooden door, I walked over opening the door wide to reveal our guests, Harry and is soon-to-be wife and also my sister Sophia, Niall and Jordyn, their baby Drew on Jordyns thin waste, Zayn and Perrie, happily holding hands, and last Liam and Danielle with their twin babies Erika and Erin.

"Hi guys" I smiled giving everyone a hug as they entered, holding platters of food and bags full of things for their children.

We were celebrating the anniversary of the band, a tradition we picked up over the years that turned into a huge affair, "momma, can me and baby Drew have cookies?" Maddie asked jumping up and down

"They aren't done yet baby" I cooed picking her up and spinning her around, things had drastically changed with in the years after the accident, we all became closer, more of family than just friends, two months after our babies funeral Louis and I planned our wedding out again and did it right, it was beautiful and elegant just like before, but this time we knew we were going to get through it.

Eleanor was obviously arrested, I don't hate her for what she did, all though I will never forgive her, she acted impulsively and nearly ripped apart a relationship, Louis and I went through rough patches as I was depressed and didn't feel up to anything, even putting effort into the relationship with the man I love.

looking back on it now it all seems like a dream, something far away that never happened. Here we all are, happy with the one's we love, children all around us and a family that will never be torn apart, and I feel like I'm the luckiest woman in the world.

"Hey Abi, how have you been?" Perrie said as she came into the kitchen where I was now standing taking out the roast that had been cooking

"I'm great Perrie, and you?" I asked giving her a tight hug. Perrie and I had grown close since the days Zayn met her and fell smitten with her, she was a lovely girl that was always there for me

"I'm wonderful, Zayn and I actually have some big news to chair once we all sit" she said as she pulled away from our embrace

"I can't wait!" I said clapping my hands "you and Zayn always have the loveliest news to chair" I said adding a chuckle. Josh went running by chasing our dog, laughing as he jetted under the table, knocking his head as he tried to follow "Josh be careful!" I called out as I let a laugh escape me lips, Sophia walked in Jordyn by her side, talking between themselves, I smiled at what a grown up woman she had become since the death of my loving parents, she never seized to amaze me.

"Hey!" Sophia said hugging me, as she didn't get the chance to at the door, Jordyn followed doing the same

"How are you?" I questioned Sophia first "everything good between you and Harry?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows

"we're wonderful, Harry's getting quit nervous for the wedding, but we're ecstatic" she said a large grin appearing on her face

"that's wonderful" I said before turning to Jordyn "and you and little Nialler?" I said laughing at my word choice

"we're great!  Drew is giving us a run for our money, but other than that we couldn't be happier" I smiled at her words and turned to the food

"well, dinner's ready, could you round up everyone else?" I questioned smiling at Sophia, she gave a curt nod and walked off into the direction of everyone else.

Sitting around the table everyone was laughing and smiling, it was one big murmur of voices, kids laughter and enjoying delicious food, stories were being shared from over the years, tears coming to some eyes as we realized that chapter in our lives was over and we were staring a brand new one.

Looking over at Louis I couldn't help but smile, over the years he had only grown more beautiful, his features maturing even more, but his attitude staying the same with his boyish charm, some days were hard to get through, but he was always there, the man I loved since the beginning, the man that I fell in love with instantly on the eye that night.

**Authors Note**

That's it :'(

I know it's really super short, but it's just to give you closure, tell me what you thought of the whole story, okay? I love you all, and thank you for sticking around for Louis' and Abigails story <3

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