Chapter 8

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I was now running, where? I have no clue, but I was, I ran down every turn I came to, going further and further into the city, I was getting a little scared, as it was beginning to become dark, I finally came to a little path, it went into the woods, I slowed my pace and began walking down it.

After a while of walking down the path there was a little opening, there was a huge lake, and a dock that looked old and run down, I went and sat on it just thinking. Why did Louis do that. I mentally smacked myself, he did that because he has a life besides an awkward girl that he just met, he didn't like me and I knew that, I wasn't even so sure of my feelings, he was someone special certainly, he listened to me, and I shared some pretty deep secrets with him, I was just so confused.

Tears started falling from my eyes, clouds rolled in darkening the sky, matching my mood, I felt little drops of water falling on me, they mixed with the tears, and suddenly it was pouring, there was a little roof on the dock, but it had holes. I sat under the roof, it being better than nothing and stared at the rain hitting the water, I love the rain but right now it was just making me more and more depressed.

I decided if I was already getting soaked, why not just jump into the lake? Stripping down to just my underwear and bra since no one was around I ran off the dock jumping into the surprisingly warm water, I stayed under water, until I felt a pair of strong arms pulling me back up.

"what the fuck were you trying to do Abi!" I heard Louis' angelic voice yell, I coughed up water, and that's when I realized I had been under a lot  longer than I thought and had taken in mass amounts of water.

"I-I was ju-u-st going for a swim, I w-as enjoying it, and didn't realize I was under" I managed to stammer out, why was he even here? Why did he care, he was with that stunning brunette, flirting up a storm.

"Well, don't be so stupid" he said awkwardly, I just stared at him,

"Louis, how did you even find me? Why did you leave your date?" I said looking him in the eyes

"I saw you run out, I told Niall to stay behind because I could handle it, I called your name probably a million times, I didn't get here right away because I lost you once you went down the path, but got here just in time to see you jump in like a retard, and for the Eleanor subject, at that moment she wasn't as important as you, and she knows that" he said finishing off his mini speech

"Well thank Lou" I said with a huge smile, he nodded his head but then looked down at me, a huge smirk playing across his face,

"what's so funny Tomlinson?" I said raising an eyebrow,

"not funny, but um, hot?" he said chuckling, I raised my eyebrows but then looked down, my face drained, and grew hot, I was still only in my undergarments,

"um, well you could let me down so I could change" I said trying to get out of his arms, he laughed evily, and tightened his grip around me

"Louis really, I want to put my clothes back on!" I said with a pout,

"I don't think I can do that love," he said with a cheeky wink, but finally he let me down and I ran to my clothes pulling them over my head, and wrapping my arms tightly around him "thank you" I whispered as his arms snaked around me, I forgot all about him with the beautiful girl named Eleanor, or that I might be gaining feelings for him and just lived in the moment.

**Niall's POV**

I knew it was silly to say, but I was falling for Abi, she was something different, something special, not like the usual girls that threw themselves at me and I ignored, but beautiful and different.

I knew exactly how to win her over, I knew she was developing feelings for Louis, but looked what he did today, he went and started flirting with a girl, when me and him were silently fighting for Abi, maybe he just gave up, and maybe I was really going to get her.

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