Chapter 3

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****Authors Note*****

    For those who are reading, thank you so much, my books are my babies, and when I get reads on them, and comments and votes, I feel all warm inside:D well again THANK YOU(: I love you all xxx


     "Sophia, your bag is right here," I said while taking her bag off the moving belt, "thanks" she said as she took it from my hands, Simon was suppose to be here any minute to get us, and we were going to go back to our new home in London, he said he lived in a great big flat that had just enough rooms for everyone, and he was very excited to have us considering he lived alone, and he said it was very depressing living all by yourself.

       My heart was still aching, and it took everything I had not to break down and cry as we waited for Simon to get here, suddenly another slick black limo pulled into the pick up section of the airport, "hello loves, you must be Abigail, and Sophia?" a British man with white hair said, I took him to be the driver considering he was wearing tux and the hat you usually see them in.

        As we stepped into the opened door there was another man, with black hair, turning gray in some places, he smiled warmly at me and Soph "hello, you girls are so beautiful, just like your mother" he said giving us another sad smile, "well, I'm Simon, it is a great pleasure to meet you" his British accent was something I have always been fascinated with, and when I came here to London, I always loved to hear people talk, "we will be going back to the flat, and you girls are aloud to go and adventure the city if you would like" he said turning to his now ringing phone, "maybe this won't be so awful, I mean mom and dad aren't here" Sophia said starting to cry, "but we can start a new life" she said as another tear rolled down her face, we were going to have to move on from our parents death, maybe not soon, but sometime in our life, I felt wet drop fall from my eye, and drip onto the pink material of my sweatshirt, I was ready to start a new life, in London.

         We were driving around London, I was excited to see the place I was going to be living for at least two years, considering Soph would want to leave as soon as she turned 18, "we're here" Simon said in a cheery voice, I looked up to see a enormous apartment complex, I gasped, "it's even lovelier on the inside" he said holding the door open while getting three of our bags, leaving the rest for the driver.

          I stepped inside the apartment, my jaw dropped to the floor, the entire place was marble, and it was beautiful it had an old castle theme to it, and it was everything I had always dreamed of, Sophia wasn't as impressed but she was in awe too, Simon laughed at told us to follow him, we wove around hallways upon hallways, him telling us that this was the gym, or this was the theater, the office, and then he came to a door, "and Abigail, this is your room" he said with a smile, he slowly opened the door and revealed a very vintage looking room, there was a white and gold canape bed, with a Chandler hanging right above it, there was a huge TV and big couches a long with it's own bathroom, I jumped and squealed loving the room I got "thank you!" I practically yelled, "no problem I talked to some people and this is the room they said you would love," I think I'm going to like this Simon character, he seems to be very nice, and very considerate, maybe this was going to be the best time of my life.

          I sat awhile just thinking, thinking of what was going to happen to me, I was going to go to school, practice harder with my music than I ever have, friends weren't a distraction I had to worry about, I was plain old Abigail, no one ever took interest in me, that is why I find it best to block out people all together.

         Simon had to leave for business purposes the rest of the evening, and I decided I was going to go walk around London, since I was a little kid I have always loved it, it captivated me, and made me want to take a picture and live in that picture for the rest of my life. Slipping some money into my bag, my camera and putting my headphones in my ears, I yelled to Soph that I was going out and she yelled back with an okay, she was busy unpacking, I had decided to do that later.

      "Do you need a ride miss?" our driver that I found out his name was Nathan asked, "no thanks Nathan, please don't call me miss, it makes me feel old" I said shuttering, "alright Abigail, but are you sure you don't need a ride?" I nodded and began walking through the streets of London.\

        I took in a deep breathe, the air was thick with car exhaust, I had always loved the city though, crisp clean air wasn't home, it was to perfect, I loved hearing all the noise, all the people running around, I looked around at the city I loved so much, even if I wasn't from here it felt like another home, but this time my mom and dad were out of the picture, and weren't running around with me.

        Deciding all the touristy places would be way to crowded at this time of day, I decided to walk over to a little cafe, that had such a huge meaning in my family. Walking through the door, I stopped and just looked around, this was where my mom and dad had first met, this is where my mom and dads story began, I smiled as I took a seat, it wasn't crowded at all, it was a little run down, but I loved the feel of it.

      "Hello love, what would you like today?" a very attractive boy that looked to be my age asked, "um, can I just have a tea with honey, and a croissant?" he nodded and went off, his brown hair bouncing as he did so, he was gorgeous, with his blue eyes shining brightly, and white teeth showing from his perfect smile, "here you are love" he said with a wink, I blushed and went to drinking my tea.

      "Are you new around here?" that same intoxicating British accent asked, "I am actually' I said putting down my tea and smiling a warm smile at him, something I ddin't usually do to strangers, "well I've been here before, many times, but I am now living here" I said laughing, "sounds wonderful, and I love your accent, American?" he said with a smile, "yup" I said popping the 'p' "lived just outside of LA" I said dreamily remembering my small town, "I have always wanted to go to LA" the boy said, "oh how very rude, I'm Justin," he said with a warm smile, "hi, I'm Abigail," I said laughing at his facial expression, "well it's lovely to meet you Abigail."

     After a while of talking to Justin, about London and what LA was like I decided it was time to go, I didn't want to get to close to this boy, because as I have said before, I don't believe in love, and boys are something a girl could stay away from her whole life and be happy. 'Wait Abigail?" Justin said as I was standing from the booth we were seated at "yes?" I asked confused, "here," he said giving me his phone and holding his other hand out, "put your number in and let me put mine in yours" he said smiling, "alright" I said slowly taking the phone from his hand. I typed in my number and saved it under 'Abi' he handed me my phone back with a smile, and I did the same, "well I really have to get going now, thanks for the company" I said "no, thank you" he said taking my wrist stopping me from leaving again, "can I see you again?" he said with a serious face, "sure, just call me whenever" I said taking my hand from his and waving a good bye. I knew I was getting myself into something I didn't want, but I couldn't help it, he was so intoxicating, and lured me in with his charm.

     As I walked out of the little cafe, I realized it was now dark, I looked at my phone and it was already nine, I had been talking to Justin for awhile! Deciding that I didn't need to go home just yet, I started the walk to my favorite place in London.

      The London eye came into view, and I smiled it was the best thing here in London, and there was no line considering how late it was, and the lights where shinning bright in the dark, I stepped forward, when I noticed one other person stepping on as well, I gave the man my money and quickly got on, the person who had gotten on before me was standing by the window looking out as we slowly moved up, he was tall, and had a hoodie on, with the hood over his head, as he turned around I had to stop myself from gasping, he was beautiful, yes a boy was beautiful, his features were perfect, and his eyes were the brightest blue I have ever seen, his brown hair was tousled perfectly, "please don't scream" he said in almost a whisper,

      I chuckled, "why would I scream?" he looked at me and tilted his head like a lost puppy, "well by the look on your face I thought you knew who I was" he said sitting down on the floor, suddenly our capsule jolted to a stop, and a panicked voice came over the intercom 'we are sorry, but there seems to be something wrong, you won't be moving anytime soon" I sighed, but looked out we were at the very top, "what do you mean knew who you were?" I asked turning my attention back to the beautiful boy, "well, most people do" he said simply, "well who are you?" I asked still confused, "you really don't know?" he said just as confused as me, "nope" I said popping the 'p' "well, my name is Louis Tomlinson, and I'm one fifth of One Direction."

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