Chapter 11

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Louis and Eleanor, Eleanor and Louis, that's all I could think about as Niall sorted through the mass amounts of movies how could he do this to me, he had to know my feelings, wait feelings? No I don't have feelings for Louis I have feelings for the blonde Irish boy sitting right in front of me "wanna watch a horror film?" he said turning around snapping me out of my argument with myself, I nodded still dazed. 

"Niall, I need to call Sophia so she doesn't freak out" I said standing from my seat and walking out. I ran down to the kitchen dialing the familiar number on my way. "Sophia?" I asked when a deep voice answered

"No, it's Harry" he chuckled nervously, I rolled my eyes

"of course, where's Soph?" I asked getting impatient  

"she's erm, next to me sleeping" he said sheepishly

"alright, whatever, will you tell her if she wakes up I am at your's and Louis?" I snapped

"jeez, alright yeah I will, whatcha doing there? You and Louis make up?" he said in a suggestive tone. 

"No, actually I'm here with Niall, we're about to watch a movie so I gotta go!" I chirped the last part, "oh, and don't touch my sister Styles" I said and then hung up the phone.

I heard a chuckle come from behind me, I turned to see a shirtless Louis, with his sweatpants hanging low on his hips. his abs were clearly seen, and his muscular arms were flexing from leaning against the wall,

"so who was that?" he said with a smirk, great he heard my conversation,

"that was suppose to be my sister but instead Harry answered" I said rudely remembering how Harry answered my sisters phone while she slept in the same bed as him, he laughed again, and slowly made his way over to me.

"where did Elanor go?" I said with a scowl he laughed 

"She woke up and freaked out because she has to work tomorrow and needed to be at her own place, so she got her stuff and rushed out" he said with another chuckle 

"I see" I said flatly 

"someone jealous?"  he said with a smirk, I rolled my eyes, and turned to open the fridge to distract myself from Louis beautiful body 

"So I see you like apple juice?" I said as I stared at five bottles of it, 

"actually Harry does" Louis said, I could tell he was closer by where his voice was coming from, I turned back around giggling at how much Harry obviously liked apple juice, I turned around to see Louis right in front of me now, his breathe tickled my my lips, he put his hands on each side of me on the fridge, the fridge's cold air was running up my spine sending more shivers, or maybe that was just Louis. He was leaning in, his breathe was getting faster, I started shaking, and sweating, was he really about to kiss me?

He was still moving closer, his body was against mine, I felt his heart beating on my chest, I felt my eyes shut and Louis' nose touch mine, 

"Wow, am I interrupting something?" Harry's voice said as Louis shot backwards I did the same, but since there was a fridge in my way I flew into the fridge and fell, hitting the shelves while bottles of apple juice fell around me, I groaned and glared at Harry who was laughing, Louis was standing in the corner with his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants looking down as he blushed. 

"Move it Styles" I said as I pushed my way back t the stairs, he was still laughing as I ran back up to the guest bedroom, 

As I walked in Niall was laying on the bed, a spot open next to him he smiled as he saw me, and instantly guilt ran through my body, I was about to kiss Louis when Niall was up here waiting for me so we could cuddle and watch a movie. 

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