Chapter 7

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Niall was perfect, he was more than perfect, his blue eyes twinkling with his child like innocence, and his hair put up perfectly, the brown showing through some, I wanted to go somewhere with this boy, he seems like someone I could trust with my heart.

"Wanna go outside love?" his adorable Irish accent rang around in my brain, we had been sitting in the large family room with the other boys, in our own world talking, "sure, anything to get away from this" I said motioning towards my sister and the boys running around like mad men, "lets go then" Niall said taking my hand and walking me out the door, I saw Louis from the corner of my eye, when I saw him butterflies exploded, but I pushed those feelings to the deepest part of me, because right now I was working on Niall.

I had never been good with boys, I had always been one of those girls that could charm you with her awkwardness, but guys didn't give me a chance, I had some crush's but nothing big, I even took a chance on one, but it crashed and burned.

"Where are we going?" I asked Niall who was still holding on to my hand, it felt nice, but not as nice as I thought it would. "We are going to the adorable little park I know" he said smiling down at me, "oh really?" I said laughing at how excited he was, "really!" he said with a little jump.

We had been walking in a silence for awhile, it wasn't awkward but comfortable, "Abi" Niall said stopping in front of me, "yes Niall" I said raising my eyebrow, "never mind," he said looking down at his feet, I brushed it off and kept walking.

**Niall's POV**

I am so stupid, I couln't even ask her on a date! I got to scared and chickened out! I was already crushing on this girl I just met, she was something special, I could tell, she was going to be my princess I have been searching so long for, but unfortunately for me, I am a chicken, and don't know how to properly ask out a girl. I decided I was going to do it when we got to the park. I had to.

We walked into the little park that I have been going to since I moved to London, it was amazing, there was a little creek, and a playground were kids could play, along with woods that had a trail going through it, that was my favorite place to go and think, there was a secret spot that I found a while back, you had to walk through the woods, off the trail, and then you came to an opening with the beautiful creek, it was deep enough to swim in it, and it was crystal clear, the birds were singing all around, and flowers burst with colors through out the whole little field, it looked like somewhere in a painting, and I was so happy for it to be mine. I have been waiting for someone to share it with, and maybe Abi was that girl.

"So, tell me more about you" I said smiling at her, "Well, my name is Abigail, I have never really been a people person, mainly because my parents were so known, and wealthy that people would use me to get close to them, so that they could get a record deal, or so I would buy them things, it became to much, so I gave up friends all together, my sister Sophia, as you already met her is my best friend, she's the complete opposite of me though, she is funny, outgoing, beautiful, skinny, and has had tons of boyfriends through out her life, I'm really plain, the only thing that sets me aside is that I love to sing, play guitar, and play piano,"

I perked up at the mention of music, "I play guitar too" I said with a huge smile, "it's something that has always calmed me and made me happy" she said matching exactly how I felt while playing, "it's like a way to get away" we both said at the same time, we both laughed, "you're going to have to play for me sometime" she said grinning, "as long as you play for me" I said laughing, "deal, but I warn you I'm not that great" she said sheepishly, "don't say that, if your voice, and guitar skills match your beauty you will be outstanding" I said smiling, lifting her chin, she blushed and laughed.

**Louis' POV**

They were still gone, Niall was using his charm, and he was going to win her over, I couldn't compare to Niall, girls usually favor Niall the least, but if they gave him a chance, he would amaze them. He hadn't been to serious with any girl since the X-Factor, just because he wanted to give all the attention he had to that girl, and I guess since we were on a year break and got to stay in London, he thought it was a good time to take a chance on a girl.

It wasn't fair, I was with her first, I found her beauty first, she talked to me first, she gave me those butterflies first, she made me want to dive in and kiss her first, what am I even thinking, I just met this girl, plus she had feelings for one of my best mates, this crushed me, I don't understand why, but it did.

Deciding I couldn't take just sitting around obsessing over a girl that was out on a technical date with one of my best mates I stood up and started for the door, "Where are you going Lou?" Harry stopped me as I was pulling on my coat, "I need to get out of here, I'm going to go to Starbucks" I said already out the door.

I walked the short distance between our flat and the little Starbucks on the corner of the street, this was always a place for me to escape, somewhere where I could just sit there breathing in the fresh sent of coffee, sipping on a tea.

It was empty when I walked in, and the only worker there was an older woman, I thanked my lucky stars that there wasn't fans, I didn't feel like signing things and taking pictures at the moment. I walked up to the counter ordering my normal tea with honey, "here you go sir" the woman said with a smile, "thank you" I said returning her warm smile.

I took a seat just as the door opened, in came a beautiful girl, she had long wavy brown hair, and the prettiest brown eyes, she was wearing a skirt with a flowing whit top, and she was stunning, super model skinny, her legs going on for miles, I almost gasped at the sight of her.

She put her glasses in her bag and ordered some type of drink, when she spot me her eyes went wide, a fan good, I wouldn't mind talking to this one, I laughed to myself at my silly thoughts, "hi" a girly voice rang through my ears, "you're Louis Tomlinson aren't you?" the brunette beauty said smiling down at me, "I am, and what's your name love?" she giggled and blushed, "I'm Eleanor, Eleanor Calder" she said holding out a little hand with perfectly painted nails, "well it is nice to meet you Eleanor, would you like to sit with me?" I said nodding towards the chair across from me, "erm, sure" she said sounding nervous, "great" I said with a huge smile.

**Abi's POV**

"Where do you want to go now love?" Niall asked me smiling at me as we walked hand in hand out of the park, "we should go to that little Starbucks that was down the road from your house!" I said jumping up and down, I loved Starbucks, the smell of coffee always calmed me and made me warm on the inside, "alright, sounds great love" Niall said heading towards Starbucks.

**Harry's POV**

"Harry stop!" Sophia gasped in between giggles, "sto-o-p t-t-ickling me!" she screamed, "what's the magic word" I sang into her ear, "I-i-m n-n-ot going to" she said, "alright have it your way," I began tickling her more, "f-f-fine!!" she screamed I stopped, still straddling her, "I'm waiting" I sang again, "Harry Styles is so sexy, I could just get in his bed right now and rip off all his clothes and I wouldn't even blink" I laughed and got off her "see so hard?" I said "yes it was" she said with a huff crossing her arms.

As soon as I saw Sophia I knew she was different, she was gorgeous, and looked like a model, but she wasn't snobby, and didn't starve herself, like the other models I had dated, Abigail was beautiful too, but not as beautiful as Sophia, besides Niall liked her, and no matter how much he would deny it so did Louis, and I wasn't about to get in the middle of that.

"Sophia, why did you and Abi move in with uncle Si?" I asked she tensed besides me, and I felt that I shouldn't have asked that, "well.. u-um my mom and dad died in a plane crash" she said in one breathe, "I am so sorry" I said wrapping her up in a hug, holding her as tight as I could, "I am so so sorry babe" I said, not caring if she thought I was odd for calling her 'babe' "it's alright Harry, I will have to learn to acceot it sometime" she said in a whisper, "but you don't need to yet" I said into her hair.

**Abi's POV**

We had finally reached Starbucks, I walked in, and my jaw fell to the ground, there Louis sat across from a beautiful brunette, her long wavy hair fell perfectly over her shoulders, and her eyes were the prettiest shade of brown, she was sitting there smiling, and flirting with Louis, but the worst part was he was flirting back.

I felt a shot of pain go through out my body, my blood boiled and my face turned red, I was about to explode, "look, Louis' here" Niall said nodding toward the messy haired boy that I was beginning to become very mad with, "we should go talk to him!" Niall said excitedly, "lets just get our drinks and go" I said flatly, "oh, alright" Niall said surprised with me snapping at him.

As soon as our drinks were sat in front of us, I went through the doors and was walking straight towards the flat. I knew I was being stupid, and over reacting, but I couldn't help it, I know that I did the same thing to Louis, and I know that I had only just met him, but I couldn't help but feel hurt.

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