Chapter 13

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Niall pulled away smiling, there was a feeling in the pit of my stomach, like I shouldn't be here, I should be with Louis, I should be the one in his arms laughing and running around, him trying to make me happy, not Eleanor, there was something off about her anyway, something that didn't seem right.

"Abi?" Niall's voice broke me out of my own pit of thoughts

"hmm" I said looking into his ocean blue eyes

"I said are you ready to go back home? I bet Simon would like to see you, he just got back from his business trip" I nodded in response and walked over to the car getting in, Niall following suit

"Everything will be okay Abi, I promise things might look awful right now, but everything does get better" he said taking my hand in his, I looked over and gave him a sad smile

"It's just there something to be off about that Eleanor girl, she doesn't seem right for Louis" I said looking down at my lap, Niall nodded and looked straight ahead,

"I haven't met her, but I think you are a good judgement of character so I agree with you" he said with a slight chuckle.

We got back to our large apartment complex, Niall opening my door for me I got out and climbed up the steps.

"Bye Niall" I said giving him a small smile, he walked over to me grabbing me by my waist,

"Bye Abi, I'll see you tomorrow" he said giving me a peck on the lips, I laughed and walked into my apartment.

"I missed you!" a deep voice yelled into my ear as two strong arms wrapped around me picking me up and twirling me around, I got put back on the ground to look at who was holding me,

"Josh!" I screamed, Josh was my only friend back home, he was an awesome guy, that just happened to be more famine than masculine, if you get what I mean

"Yes darling!" he yelped, how he afforded to fly over to London was completely puzzling to me, he was always complaining about how he had no money,

"How are you here" I said eyes growing wide at the sight of my best friend that I hadn't talked to since the funereal

"Sophia talked to Simon and he got me a ticket to fly out and see you!" he said with a clap of his hands, I smiled, I was really growing to like Simon, even if we hadn't spent that much time together, I could tell he was nice, and wanted to make Sophia and I happy.

"I have so much to tell you!" I squealed as I jumped into the arms of my best friend again, "first though I need to talk to my sister, where is she?" I said laughing at Josh's face,

"She's up in her room with some boy she wouldn't let me meet" he said with a large pout, I remember him talking about One Direction and how beautiful they were before I knew who they were I just brushed all his talk off

"well there are reasons for that," I said under my breathe

"oh, and what are those?" he said placing a hand on his hip, I let out a loud laugh,

"just stay here" I said running up stairs to go and talk to my sister. I knocked on her door, I could hear her and Harry talking about pointless things,

"Sophia, open up" I said loudly, I heard feet and then the knob turning

"well, nice of you to finally show up sister dear" she said sarcasm dripping from her words, I rolled my eyes

"Harry, can you go downstairs, I think there is someone that would love to meet you" I said with a fake smile, he probably wouldn't be to pleased when Josh screamed and jumped on Harry. Harry nodded and walked out of the room,

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