Chapter 15

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**Authors Note**

Sorry it took so long to get this up! I have been busy with my other book Moments Like These, I fisnished writing it, and there are only two chapters left, I'll post the next one tomorrow and then the next one tuesday(: and omg.. my neighbors are pissing me off, they are so loud it's not even funny I'm about to scream. Your welcome for that gif over there(;


I stood in shock at the counter, thinking about what Eleanor had said, how dare she Louis and I knew each other first, and just because she's some big time model she thinks she has the right to tell me what to do, and to stay away from a close friend.

But of course I couldn't do anything about it, I was to scared, to much of a coward. "Hey are you coming out there?" I heard a soft voice say as they walked into the kitchen, turning around to see Louis, I turned my head to the floor and walked out, I know it was rude but I couldn't get myself to talk to him.

"Hey babe, come sit over here" Niall said patting the seat next to him that was barely big enough, walking over and taking a seat halfway on Niall's lap, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek, I saw Sophia from the corner of my eye wink at me, I glared at her and turned my attention to the movie.

Louis walked back into the living room giving me a small smile, I looked away as Eleanor saw me staring at him, and then he came and sat next to me, as it was the only open spot. Turning his head towards me he brushed his lips against my ear whispering "Is something wrong?" I kept my head forward and gave me a nod saying 'no'

"I'm just watching the movie is all" I said turning towards him and giving him a weak smile before turning towards Niall

"Wanna go back to my flat?" I said letting out a fake yawn, Niall gave a sweet smile and a little nod

"Lets go" he said standing up and taking my hand

"we're going back to my flat" I called over my shoulder happy to finally be getting out of the awkward atmosphere. I walked up to the door and unlocked it walking in and throwing the keys on the counter, Simon was sitting on the couch watching TV

Standing up he walked over and gave me a hug "I haven't seen you in awhile love, I'm so sorry I just have been so busy working" he said giving me a sad smile as he pulled away

"it's all good the boys have been good company!" I said smiling over at Niall "is it alright if he hangs out here for awhile?" Simon nodded

"Of course, any of the boys are always welcome, I'm going to bed now, don't stay up to late we have an interview to do tomorrow" he side giving me another hug and kissing me on the cheek and heading down the hall to his bedroom

"So wanna go upstairs?" I said turning towards Niall he gave a small nod as I took his hand and lead him to my room.

"I have to tell you something" I said as I shut the door and took a seat on my bed "but you can't make fun of me not matter how stupid it sounds" I said with a large sigh

"Go on, I promise I won't make fun of you" he said taking the seat next to me on my bed

"Well, while I was in the kitchen, Eleanor was in there with Louis, and I walked in one them, well erm kissing" I said taking in a breath, Niall nodded for me to continue

"and well, then Louis left me and Eleanor to get the popcorn into bowls and what not, and she got up in my face threatening me, telling me that she knows what I'm doing, and I need to stay away from Louis" Niall looked at me and gave me a frown

"That's why you were acting so weird" he said pulling me into a hug "don't worry about her, she won't do anything you and Louis are friends, don't let her ruin that" he cooed into my ear, I looked at him and smiled, he leaned in and kissed my nose then pulled away laying down, following his actions my head hit the soft pillows and Niall wrapped his arms around me, giving me warmth.

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