Chapter 18

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"Two tickets to see Paranormal Acitivy 4 please" Louis said to the young girl behind the counter, she was lazily sitting there reading a magazine, I laughed once I saw the pictures of the boys, Louis gave me a look while he cleared his throat to get her attention

"Sorry what?" the girl looked up sheepishly, then her jaw dropped, as she looked down at the magazine back to Louis' face, "y-y-your Louis T-Tomlinson" she finally managed to stutter out, Louis let out a little chuckle and nodded his head

"that I am, you a fan?" he said leaning on the counter slightly, she viciously nodded her head

"the biggest, to you mind if I take a picture with you?" she said looking down at her hands,

"not at all" Louis said with the biggest smile, he really did love his fans, I stood back awkwardly while she pulled out her camera, Louis took it from her taking a few pictures, she was giggling like a school girl and jumping up and down

"Oh, are you on a date?" she said sheepishly once again, Louis nodded his head and looked at me

"I'm so sorry, I'm probably ruining it completely!" she said getting panicky

"It's alright" I said with a warm smile "we have some time to kill' I said with a giggle

"You're absolutely gorgeous by the way, Louis' really lucky to have you" she said dreamily looking at Louis, I was surprised,, for two reasons one, I think I'm far from gorgeous, and two she said Louis was lucky to have me, not the other way around like most girls usually say.

"well thank you, but I think I'm the lucky one, considering I'm a potato" I said giggling at my word choice, Louis gave me a playful glare,

"you are not, don't say that." he said pecking my cheek

"well here's your tickets, enjoy your movie!" she said happily as we walked away

"I love when I can meet fans, it's absolutely amazing that they are the people that got me to where I am today" he said sighing with content

"you're really good with them, they all love you, which is really confusing considering you're you" I joked while I pinched his cheeks, he let out a gasp in mock hurt

"that offends me!" he said as we walked up to the counter to get our food,

"I'm sorry babe, just playing" I said with a wink which caused him to laugh loudly earning glares from older couples around us.

After getting a large popcorn, a hot dog, an icy, and three packets of twizlers, while Louis got the same, besides the twizlers considering those were for us to chair, we walked off while the worker behind the counter looked at us wide eyed at all the food we had gotten

"you like to eat" he said laughing while I just gave a nod

"I wouldn't be talking! You got the same amount" I said with a pout

"but I'm a growing man! I need my food!" he said shoving some popcorn in his mouth "well, this is our theater shall we go in ma lady?" he said jokingly, I rolled my eyes and opened the door to the dark room

"where are we going to sit?" I asked looking around, Louis bolted past me and ran to the middle, grabbing the seats in the very center

"here!" he cheered as he placed his drink in the couple holder and started shoving his popcorn in his mouth

"you are such a pig" I said through a mouth full of hot dog, causing us both to crack up

"I'm not the only one!" he said in a girly voice causing me to roll my eyes

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