Chapter 4

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     "Who" I said tilting my head, "you seriously have never heard of the boy band One Direction?" I laughed "that explains it, I don't listen to pop boy bands, at the moment I'm into a legend, Ed Sheeran" I said sighing dreamily, he was going to be my ginger boyfriend one day, I swear, Louis laughed, "I'll make sure to tell him you idolize him" he said laughing again, my head shot to look at the bright blue eyes that could put anyone into a coma, "What the hell are you talking about" I said again very confused, "Ed is one of the lads and I's best mates" he said smiling at me, I gasped "you are kidding aren't you, you actually know Ed Sheeran!?" he laughed again, "now there's the fangirling I was waiting for, unfortunately it wasn't for me" he said with a pout, "well I'm sorry I'm not into shitty music" I said with a frown, "it is not shitty" he said looking at his feet, "alright then."

      "So what's your name love, you know mine, but I have no clue what yours is" I didn't know if I should tell him, we were stuck on the Eye together sure, but I didn't want to get to close to a beautiful boy who was in a boy band who probably thought he could get with any girl he wanted, "Abigail," I finally said deciding we were going to be stuck here for awhile and he was my only company, "that's such a beautiful name" he said in awe, "well thanks" I said hiding my blush, "and hear you aren't from here, sounds like an American accent?" he said as a question, "yup" I said nodding my head, "what part?" I looked at him and sighed, "a small town just outside of LA" I said looking back out the window, day dreaming about being back at home, "I love LA, and I have been to plenty of the small towns around there, which on was it?" he said smiling, " Westchester" he nodded, "I've been there, it attracted me because it sounded British" he said laughing, I giggled at this too.

      "I still don't see how you haven't heard of me," Louis said as we were now seated by each other, I cocked my eyebrow at him, "oh no no not like that!" he said frantically, "I mean, paparazzi never leave me and the lads alone! It's very annoying actually, every step we take they follow us, and almost everyone has heard something about us, and have their own opinion about us, weather that is they love us, or absolutely hate us," I nodded, "I understand, I get it I really do," I took a deep breathe "my parents were big time record company owners, and they were always in the spotlight, of course that meant I was too, and I never had real friends because they were using me either for my money, or to get noticed by my parents"  Louis nodded, "and the reason I have never heard of you and your band mates is because I barely have time to do anything, with fallowing my own career of being a singer and songwriter"

       Why I was revealing all of this to a complete stranger, I don't know, but everything felt okay around him, like nothing could hurt me again, like I was completely safe from the real world "that's just awful, but changing the subject, what brings you here?" I chocked on my spit, wondering how I was going to tell him, "well, erm... I feel safe telling you, so I'm not going to lie, my parents were Mister and Mrs. Smith, of smith records. I said, he gasped and nodded, they passed away about five days ago now," I said looking down at my feet, "and my god father Simon brought me here to live with him."

       Louis looked at me and suddenly I was crushed against his chest, he was hugging me and rubbing my back, "I'm so sorry Abigail, I saw that story on the news, and I was a big fan of your parents, they signed almost everyone I looked up to as a child" he said smiling, "I was a big fan of them too" I said looking at my feet, "now tell me whose this Simon character?" he said nodding for me to start, "well, he owns another record company I believe, he didn't really tell me much, but I think it's called Syco" I said nodding confirming my own question, Louis gasped, "what?" I said laughing at the surprised expression on his face, "that's the record label I'm signed to, uncle Si is kind of like our mentor, or you could call him our second dad" Louis laughed, "he moved in next to us to 'keep an eye on us' so now we have no fun" Louis said with a pout, I giggled, but then it hit me, "wait, that means we live next door to you.." I said trailing off "that indeed, that indeed Abi" Louis said laughing and throwing his arm over my shoulder.

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