chapter 1

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******Authors Note******** 

HEY GUYS(: this is my new fan fiction, :D and i have a best friend bailey and shes hot. enjoy, check out my other ones!(: this is dedicated to baconluver :D for being my amazing wattpad friend, luh you(:


As I stepped out of the steaming shower into the cold bathroom goosebumps ran across my tan skin and a shiver ran down my spine, I wrapped the pink towel tightly around my body, I brought out my hot pink hair dryer and plugged it it, I started drying my elbow length, chocolate brown hair, as soon as I was done I pinned back my hair, letting the natural curls fall over my shoulders, I put my make up on and strutted out into my room I pulled on a white v-neck and my black sweats, I was so excited for today, today was the day my parents would be returning from their two month business trip to London, and I missed them so much.

I walked into the kitchen pulling out some pots and pans to start the dinner I had planned for my parents, I walked into the living room and switched the TV on, leaving it on the news, I walked back into the kitchen and saw the water starting to boil, I was making spaghetti, something simple but my parents absolutely loved it, and said I was an amazing cook so why not make them happy on their first first night back.

Me and my parents were very close, considering they traveled more than they were at home, and we had a good amount of money, they were the owner of a record company in London, I had been there a lot, they use to own it with another man but they had disagreements, and fights resulting in him branching off and making his own company, they were neck in neck ever since, always trying to get the upper hand.

As I put the noodles into the pot of boiling water I Suddenly heard the lady on the news "breaking news, just in, the business couple Mr and Mrs.Smith that changed our view on music, and business life have just been pronounced dead after crashing in their private jet on their way home from there recording studio in London," I heard the noodles fall to the ground, and the knife I had in my other hand fall with a loud scrapping noise, I fell to my knees and the tears began falling from my eyes, I went over to the TV to make sure I was hearing correctly.

Sure enough as I reached the TV my parents pictures were everywhere, the plane shown was crumbled and torn, I suddenly felt anger run through my body, why hadn't anyone told me, called me? Why am I just now finding this out over the news? I then suddenly remembered my phone was on silent, I ran to my room and checked my phone, I had 50 missed calls from an unknown number, I quickly dialed back hoping it was the hospital.

"Hello?" a concerned sounding British accent rang through my ears, "What the hell happened to my parents!?" I screamed through the phone, "love, calm down" he said with a sniffle, "the flying conditions weren't right, but they insisted on coming home tonight because they wanted to see you, and not disappoint you" he said, I let out a yelp, "so it was MY fault?" I said putting emphasis on 'my' "of course not, it was no ones fault, now I will be flying out there in about three days to come and pick you and your sister, Sophia up, I realize you are 19, so if you wish not to come you are always aloud to stay" He said taking a breathe as he finished "no, Soph needs me, she's only 16 I'll be coming" I said, "now exactly where are we going?" I said "London" with those words I gasped, I loved London but I didn't want to live there, I didn't have many friends here because I was the shy unknown girl that no one bothered with, but I still didn't want to pack everything up and leave, this was going to be awful, but I needed to stay strong for Sophia.

I got off the phone, I learned that his name was Simon, and he was an old family friend that had been given the title of our god father, we had a god mom too before they got divorced, I knew that I had to tell Sophia, so I walked down the hall, my feet trailing behind me, I knocked twice and my sisters beautiful voice rang through the hard wood, she was always the prettier one, the smarter one, the one with more friends, I did have one thing on my side, I could sing, and play almost every instrument you can think of.

As the door swung open I was in awe my sister was so gorgeous with her sandy blonde hair and electric green eyes, her tan skin making them glow, and her tall stature that made her look like a run way model, being model skinny also helped her in that department. "yes?" she said smiling at me "we need to talk" I said flatly, "alright" she walked into her room and sat on her bed, I took a huge breathe nd began to think of how to tell her.

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