Chapter 19

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**Authors Note**

Guys could you go and read the prologue to my new story 'Love Is Unexpected'? It's another Harry fan fiction(: and it's TOTALY different from my other stories I have writen(: but I think I'm going to have fun with this one so go check it out please?(: and this chappie is SO long, like not even kidding, so so so long. GUYS COMMENT :D


"I'm home my lovelies!" I called as me and Louis entered the house our fingers still locked comfortably together. We walked into the family room to see Sophia and Niall in a casual conversation

"where is she!" I cheered when I noticed Jordyn wasn't there

"in the kitchen" Sophia said smiling at me and then turning back to her conversation with Niall

"babe, I'm going to go and say hi, do you just want to stay in here for a second?" I said as I turned my head towards Louis

"sure thing" he said before pecking my lips and then walking towards the empty chair. I ran into the kitchen and saw Jordyn sitting on the counter, her head in her hands

"Jordyn babe!" I screamed as I tackled her, causing her to fall off the counter, her brown hair had grown since I last saw her, it was now just above her elbows, and had a natural looking red tint to it,

"I missed you" she said as we broke free of the hug, tears were begging to fall from her eyes

"it's been so hard with out you and Soph there to help me through everything, I am so glad I'm here, I'm going to miss my parents but I really needed this" she said going in for another hug that I happily agreed to

"well lets get back in there, I think Harry's here again, and I brought along Louis so you can meet him" I said with a huge smile at the mention of Louis

"how did the date go?" Jordyn said as I was about to walk out of the kitchen, stopping I turned to her a huge smile over taking my face

"he told me he loved me, at first he was like 'I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have said that' and going on about how soon it was and how he ruined everything" I said laughing

"what did you say back?" she said with a smirk

"I shut him up by kissing him and then I told him I love him too, because I do, I knew from the beginning but you know my thing about girls not needing boys, well I still believe that, because Louis isn't just any boy" Jordyn 'aww'd' and then gave me a tight hug

"lets get back out here" Jordyn said skipping into the family room, Louis stood from his spot in the chair and came over to me wrapping his arms around my waist

"missed you" he said while pecking my lips

"I was gone for a couple seconds you goon" I said with a smirk

"I know, but a couple seconds to long" he said with a wink causing my cheeks to flush

"I hate to break up the whole couple thing, but we are here" Niall said with a laugh

"right sorry, well Lou, this is Jordyn one of Sophia's and I's best friends, Jordyn this is the wonderful boy Louis" I said struggling to figure what to call him, since we weren't technically boyfriend and girlfriend yet.

"Yes, and this is my beautiful girlfriend Abi" he said looking down at me with a hopeful expression

"let me rephrase that, this is my handsome, awesome, sexy boyfriend Louis William Tomlinson" I said with a giggle,

"so that was your way of asking her to be your girlfriend, smooth nove there Lou" Sophia said as her and Jordyn giggled,

"I have an idea!" Louis screamed "lets play truth or dare! To make it more interesting we'll make it a drinking game too" at the sound of drinking everyone's heads shot up and gave a smile along with a nod

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