Chapter 9

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**Authors Note**

IMPORTANT alright, there are links to two songs in here, you really need to press play when I put the link there, it will make the story so much more real, and give you a feeling of what Abi is going through, so PLEASE do it(: alright.. the links don't show up in the actual story I guess? haha I don't know.. so when it says click on a link go to youtube and search for the song 1st link is 'skyscraper' by Demi second link is 'Who You Are' by Jessie J please do it(:

**Abi's POV**

Niall pulled away, too soon for my liking, he rested his head on my forehead and gave me a sweet smile, "Abi, do you want to go on a date with me tomorrow night?" he asked nervously,

"I'd love to Niall" I said smiling, it was crazy how one boy could change my mind on everything I thought, I did't see Niall breaking my heart, I didn't feel any regret with saying yes to a date with him, maybe I was even falling for him.

"Alright, well be ready by five tomorrow love" he chirped pecking my lips, and getting off his own bed walking into his bathroom, I took this as my time to leave

he turned around and gave a smile "bye Abi, can't wait to see you" he said with a huge smile, I felt happy for once, maybe it really is a good thing I said yes to him.

I walked downstairs, Sophia and Harry were playing battle ship in the middle of the floor, I laughed as I passed them, "where's Louis?" I asked Harry,

"he went straight to his room when you ran off" he said not taking his eyes off the game, I was taken aback by his somewhat rude tone, what had I done?

"Well, do you think I could talk to him?" I said almost snapping, something I never do I am usually to shy and cowardly to stick up for myself, but here I was not letting even a rude tone pass

"I guess, but I don't know if he'll want to talk to you after what you did" Harry said looking at me, alright really what did I do, I gave him a questioning look, and then started to walk off before I realized I didn't know what room his was

"Wait, what room is his?" I said awkwardly as I walked back to where my sister and Harry were, "first one on the left" Harry said again rudely,

"Sophia seriously, control your little boy toy" I said rudely, I heard Harry mumble something, and then Sophia giggling.

I walked up the stairs, and saw the room I needed to be in, what if he didn't want to talk to me, what had I done? When did he tell Harry I did something.

I knocked once, softly hoping he wouldn't hear me, but I guess he did because the door opened seconds later, he looked at me and I gave him a small smile, he just continued to stare at me, "what do you need?" he said flatly,

"I was wondering if we could talk," I said nervously playing with my fingers

"I guess" he once again said flatly I walked into his room through the opening he offered for me, I looked around his room was messy, but nothing unusual for a boy,

"so what do you need to talk about?" He said sitting on his bed, I sat next to him awkwardly as it was the only opened seat close enough to be with in talking distance

"Alright, well first off I never really said thank you for earlier today, you saved my life, and I am so grateful for that, you're amazing for doing that" I said with a smile,

"It isn't something you should thank me for, I wouldn't want you gone, you're special, beautiful" his eyes grew wide, and blushed, I guess he didn't want to say that out loud, I felt my cheeks warming up, it didn't matter though, he had Eleanor, and was happy

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