Chapter 23

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**Authors Note**

Ello my beautiful but silent readers<3 I'm in a good mood right now! Don't know why, but I am(: so enjoy the chappie<33 outfit in external link! Go look at it, I love it(:


"Babe, wake up we gotta get ready to go" a soft voice cooed into my ear

"I don't wanna" I whined back "mom, leave me alone" I said not thinking about where I was, I heard a slight chuckle

"love, it's me Louis, now get up, it's already eleven and we need to leave to meet my family in one hour" he said pushing me lightly, I slowly opened my eyes to see Louis smiling down at me "finally" he sighed kissing my lips lightly

"you have never had to wake me up yet huh?" I said laughing

"no, and I never want to again, I see why Sophia made me!" he said in a playful tone

"well, she had to for at least ten years" I said with a little giggle "I'm so excited to meet your family, what if they don't like me, what if they think I'm a whore for being pregnant, what if they think I'm only using you for fame and money what if-" I was cut off by Louis' lips being firmly placed on mine

"there that shut you up" he said as he pulled away "they will love you, you are perfect in every way, and I love you so they will just have to suck it up" he said with a cheeky wink causing me to laugh

"alright, I'm going to go and take a shower, make me breakfast?" I said batting my eyes up at him and pushing out my lip

"I guess, what do you want?" he said with a huge grin

"french toast?" I said thinking it over "yes, that sounds great french toast please baby"

"alrighty" he said kissing my forehead and leaving my bed to go into the kitchen.

Stepping into the warm water gave me a chance to think, in a short eight months I will have a baby, not any ones baby, but Louis Tomlinson's baby, I'm going to tell his family right now, and who knows how they are going to act about this, to put my feelings into words, I'm scared.

Letting the cold air hit my body, I ran for a towel, but before wrapping myself up I stare down at my stomach, there was a small bump there, nothing noticeable, looks like I gained a couple pounds, but I knew what it is, my dad sister and four best friends know what it is, and soon my boyfriends family are going to know what it is.

After blow drying my hair I let tight curls fall down my back, putting on some foundation and mascara I was happy with hair and makeup and moved on to my outfit. Pulling on my baby blue, button up shirt I slipped on my ripped blue jeans, a beanie, my checkered vans, and a studded leather jacket. I haven't taken off my 'A' necklace since the day Louis got it for me, I feel empty with out it.

Looking at the time it read eleven thirty, I rushed down the stairs and saw Louis in the kitchen, a plate of breakfast at the table where he was seated

"well you went all out" I said with a smile when I sat down to see four pieces of french toast, strawberries, grapes, and grape juice, my favorite

"well you're eating for two now!" he said jumping in his seat, which caused a smile to break across my face. After eating every last bit of my breakfast, it was finally noon and the limo had arrived.

"alright, how long is the drive to Doncaster?" I questioned as we stepped out of the house locking it up as everyone else was sleeping

"it's about three hours" he said waiting for me to climb into the limo,

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