Chapter 22

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**Authors Note**

ello my loves<33 omg, so I'm here in Australia now right, and like my parents told me there is this girl that moved here from where I use to live and they were telling me I should befriend her, I'm excited, first friend here.. lol that made me sound like a loser... but I don't go to school here yet so that's why I haven' met anyone :P OH and I want a nickname for my readers, what do you guys want to be called?<3 comment whatcha think(: LOVE YOU VOTE COMMENT

~Jamie xx


As the add went on, I tried to talk, I tried to say something, I tried to let out any sound, but my voice disappeared, and Louis was getting panicky at my side "babe, what is wrong" he said shaking me lightly

"L-Louis, I'm late" he gave me a questioning look not knowing what I'm talking about "m-my period, I'm late" I said a tear falling from my eye, I'm only nineteen, I'm  not ready for a baby, I still have growing up for me to do, Louis' career just took off, he's big, and I don't want to ruin that. I felt to arms wrap themselves around my waist

"do you want to go and get a test love?" Louis whispered into my ear, I nodded lightly "no matter what happens, I'm going to be here for you, if you are pregnant, I was there too, I'm going to take responsibility" Louis cooed in my ear

"what about your career Lou Lou, what about the other boys, what about my future, your future" I whispered

"my career doesn't mean as much to me as you do, and we will work it all out" he said rubbing my back

"Louis, don't you dare say I come before you career, you worked to hard to give up on something like that, to throw it away because I'm a stupid whore" I said tears falling

"don't you dare say that, we love each other Abs, you were a virgin before that, it doesn't make you a whore at all, and I don't care what you say, if you are pregnant I'm taking responsibility even if that threatens my career, end of story"

"b-but" I was silenced by Louis' lips crashing on to mine, giving me comfort

"no buts, lets go get that test now love" he whispered lightly into my ear, I nodded as he stood up and offered me a hand taking it I slowly got up and made my way over to the door where my coat and shoes were placed "lets go" he said taking my hand and walking me to the car.

"Lou, if I were to be pregnant, what would you think?" I said as we were making our way to the drugs store,

"I mean, we're young, I have my career, but that doesn't matter, I love you and sure it's sooner than I thought, but I wanted to have kids, get married and all of that, we're just getting a head start" he said looking over at me and smiling

"I love you Louis Tomlinson" I whispered as I leaned over and kissed him as we were stopped at a red light

"I love you more Abigail Smith" he said kissing me back.

We pulled up in front of the drugstore and I let out a loud sight "I'll go in by myself just in case" I said unbuckling my seat belt,

"are you sure?" Louis said as he started to get out of the car

"Louis, what if there are paps, I can hide better than you, it's best for both of us" I sighed, feeling the nerves kick in

"alright, hurry love, we'll go back to your flat after since Simon isn't home" Louis said kissing my hand

"should I tell Soph, and have her with us when we find out?" I questioned wanting my sister to be there

"if you want love, anything you want" he said looking at me in the eyes

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