Chapter 10

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Something I found to be pretty hilarious is any time Niall and I went somewhere it was out doors, we stepped out of the car, the cool wind whipping my hair out of my face, "where are we going" I whined as he led us onto the trail that went through the deep forest,

"Well, I'm going to show you something I have never, ever shown anyone else, you are the first to see, and you have to promise not to tell anyone where it's at" he said looking me in the eyes,

"I promise" I said laughing, he leaned in and pecked me lips, I knew Niall was someone special, but if you have a kiss with that special someone are you suppose to feel sparks, fireworks, butterflies, like you just ran a marathon? Anything? Maybe those things were just in the fairy tales, maybe it was all just a shot in the dark actually thinking that you were going to feel something.

We were still walking twenty minutes later, my feet were hurting, and I was getting tired of all this, even though I knew it would be worth it if he was going through all this trouble "are we almo-"

"we're here!" he chirped cutting me off, there was a little clearing only visible if pointed out, we walked through it, vines tickling my legs and arms, little ants running over my shoes, we broke through the thick brush and it was beautiful, there was a creek, that was crystal clear fish swimming around, there was a little waterfall off in the distance roaring giving the whole place a heaven like feel, tree's circled the creek and lined it with vines and leaves,

"H-how did you even find this place?" I stuttered out, amazed at the beautiful seen I was seeing, there were birds high in the tree tops singing songs of summer, and little butterflies flapping around, wild flowers were pushing out from everywhere, making the ground look like a rainbow, all the city noises being left behind, this place made me feel beautiful, and worth something, it was almost like I was mean to be taken here, meant to be shown this, meant to have it help me.

"I just stumbled upon it one day, I haven't told anyone not even the lads, it's been my special place, and I thought that I could show you" he said with a cheeky grin, we were siting on the ground on a little blanket so I leaned over hugging him tightly

"Thank you Niall, it really is beautiful, amazing actually" I said in a whisper looking over the picture perfect scene.

**Niall's POV**

I could see Abi's face light up when she saw my secret place, I hadn't seen her this happy even if it was just a short time that we met, she seems like she has some hidden issues, ones she doesn't like to deal with let alone talk about, I wanted to know though, I want to learn every little detail about her, little things that no one notice's her imperfections that make her perfect in my eyes, her favorite color, her favorite animal, I want to know everything.

"Want to go for a swim?" I said smiling down at Abi as I stood up,

"erm, I don't have a bathing suite" she said nervously,

"yes you do" I said with a wink

"no I really don't, all I have under this is a" she stopped her sentence a look of horror flashing in her eyes, "Niall, I will not strip and swim in my bra and underwear" she said sternly

"Love, you do relize that a bra and under are the same thing as a bikini right?" I said scratching my head

"they are not" she stubbornly said

"and how is that?" I said challenging her,

"b-b-because they just aren't!" she yelped, I laughed knowing I had proof she was wrong wrong

"well then shall we?" I said grabbing her hand and lifting her up, she hesitantly looked in my eyes

" I don't know, I'm really insecure" she said blushing,

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