Chapter 14

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**Authors Note**

Let me just say I ADORE Eleanor, but for the story she isn't going to be the nicest, don't think I hate her, or think badly of her because I don't she's actually one of my role models, along with Danielle, even though her and Liam broke up (I'm still crying about that)

~jamie xx


As soon as the door shut I heard loud thuds coming up the stairs, as they were near my door I let out a sigh "go away Josh" I said looking back down to my laptop writing a new song.

"I don't think I can do that babes!" he said cheerfully as he walked into my room,

"Damn, I didn't lock that' I said shutting my computer and turning my attention to my at the moment rather annoying best friend,

"so what happened!" he squealed turning in my office chair that sat under the desk

"he told me that I shoudln't be mad at him for not chasing after me because Eleanor is his girlfriend" I whispered as a lump rose in my throat, my eyes burning "and then he walked out, just like everyone always does" I said a single tear sliding down my cheek, leaving a cold area on my skin.

"I'm so sorry babe" Josh said wrapping me in his arms, I let the tears fall, and in no time I was sobbing, I shouldn't be feeling like this for someone I just met, I shouldn't have such strong feelings for a boy that loves another girl.

"He isn't worth your time, why don't you tell me about you and Niall" Josh said bringing up the blonde headed Irish boy that I had forgotten about in my moment of sadness

As he mentioned Niall a slight smile came to my face "Well, he is really sweet, before he asked me on our first date he sang 'Lightweight' by Demi Lovato, it was awesome," I said my smile growing a little at the memory

"and then I erm.. kissed him' I whispered sheepishly

"excuse me Abigail you did what!" Josh screeched

"I erm.. kissed him' I said again a bit louder

" I heard you the first time! But I can't believe your first kiss you kissed the boy FIRST!" he screeched again emphasizing on the word 'first'

"well I did, and then he took me on a date, we had a picnic in a hidden part of this park, it had a huge creek and it was stunning, the water was so clear, the birds chirping and the flowers were beautiful," I said sighing at the memory

"and then we went under the waterfall and under this wall and came into a cave with crystals everywhere, and then he said I was the most beautiful thing he as ever seen" I said whispering the last part, I looked at Josh whose face read shock, and happiness

"He likes you a lot Abs, you should go for it" he said sighing dreamily, probably thinking about him getting the chance to have a date with one of the boys

"well, I mean he's sweet, but I just don't have as strong feelings for him as I do for a certain other boy with messy hair, and likes carrots a bit to much" I whispered wishing I was pretty enough to be with him

"I know what you are thinking, you are beautiful, he is stupid to pass up dating you, you are pretty enough for him I promise you" I was aways stunned at how great Josh was with knowing what I was thinking, it was almost like he read minds.

"Eleanor is beautiful, she's a model for god sakes!" I said running my fingers through my hair

"well she still doesn't compare to you" Josh said wrapping me up in another hug, my phone suddenly started blaring and I looked at the caller ID to see Niall was calling me, I waved for Josh to leave my room and I answered my phone

"Hey Niall" I said with a fake cheeriness

"hey babe, the lads and I were having a night of just watching films, Sophia and Eleanor are over, and I was wondering if you wanted to come around to?" he said with a hopeful voice, I cringed as he said Eleanor, but I wasn't going to be rude to Niall, I would just have to ignore Louis and Eleanor acting like a couple.

"I'll be over in a couple minutes" I said with a smile

"see you then love" with that I hung up the phone jumping off my bed slipping on some sweats and a hoodie, not caring what I looked like I left my long brown hair fall down my back and walked out the door

"Josh, I'm going to the boys flat, you should go and explore the city" I called into the house

"I was planning on it babes! See ya later" I giggled at my odd best friend and walked the short distance to Harry and Louis' flat.

Deciding that I didn't need to knock I walked in and immediately the smell of butter and popcorn flew up my nose, I was almost drooling, I ran to where it was coming from giving a small wave to everyone in the family room, besides Louis and Eleanor who seem not to be in there.

I walked into the large kitchen, immediately regretting it, standing there with his hands pinned on the stove holding Eleanor in her place stood Louis kissing Eleanor, I let out a little cough as I grabbed the popcorn they flew apart, and looked at me, Eleanor sending a glare.

"I'm gonna go in the family room babe, you should stay in here and help with the popcorn yeah?" Louis said pecking Eleanor's cheek, she gave a very fake smile and nodded

"I'd love to" she said staring at me with a scowl, as soon as Louis left Eleanor was staring at me moving closer

"I know you have feelings for Louis, and I don't like it, you aren't going to get him, he loves me, not you. You aren't even pretty, I don't see what Niall even see's in you" she said with a laugh

"if you even try to lay a finger on him, you will regret it, and I mean that" she said her nose now almost touching mine, all I could do was nod

"good!" she chirped clapping her hands and taking the second bag of popcorn out of the microwave, she gave me a glare, and mouthed 'not one finger' before she skipped off into the living room. There was something seriously wrong with that girl.

**Authors Note**

Sorry it was so  short:(


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