Chapter 17

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"Abi, you have ten minutes until Louis gets here to pick you up!" I heard Josh yell from his room down the hall

"I know Josh! No need to make me more nervous" I whined back, I had just got out of the shower, pulling on my black skinny jeans and white creme sweater that went over the shoulder along with a pink scarf and pink glitter boots, it was starting to get cold here in London and I wasn't very good with cold, at all.

finally having my hair dried and straightened falling on my back and put on my small amount of make up right when the doorbell rang, "I'll get it!" I yelled before anyone else in the house could have a chance.

As I walked down the stairs I heard conversation, meaning someone had already gotten the door, turning the corner I saw Simon sitting on the couch's in conversation with Louis, staying behind the wall so I could hear I sat for a second to listen,

"I know that I know you Louis, and that's why it scares me even more, don't try anything on her, you know that I will make your life a living hell" I heard Simon said, I mentally face palmed myself with how much of a dad he acts like to me

"I know uncle Simon, I'm not going to try anything don't worry, Abi means a lot to me" I got butterflies as he said that, I actually meant something to him.

Feeling bad for eavesdropping I walked out from behind the stair wall and let out a little cough, "oh hello Abi love, you and Louis can go now" Simon said with a wide grin as Louis stood up putting his arm around my waist and leading us out the door

"bye Simon!" I called out from over my shoulder as we shut the door and the chilly London air hit me instantly

"I have never been so scared of him, he hasn't ever been that serious with any of us, and especially not me" Louis said as he opened my door for me

"really? What did he say?" I said tyring to play the innocent act

"I know you were listening Abi, you aren't very sneaky at all" Louis said looking at me and rolling his eyes, I gave him a sheepish smile and he just winked at me, causing my cheeks to flush and turn a bright red.

"So... Where are we going?" I asked as I looked out the window

"I thought we could just go to the cinema and see a film, and then to dinner" he said smiling back at me

"oh, so you aren't one of those boys that hide the date, and keep it a secret from the girl they are taking out?" I said with a raised eyebrow causing him to chuckle

"not this date, it's just a simple one, the next one will be better" he looked over at me with a smirk, he actually wanted to go on a second date with me?

"oh, Simon wanted me to tell you that Sophia is having some friend come live with you guys I guess, he said her family is having troubles and she moved out, I swear that man is to nice" he said shaking his head

"did he say what friend?" I asked curious, Sophia had a lot of friends back home, but I didn't know any were having trouble with money, or family

"he said a girl named Jordyn?" Louis said as more of a question. Jordyn was one of my favorite of Sophia's friends she was actually nice, caring and friendly unlike her other friends that were very snobby.

"oh, she's lovely you guys will like her" I said as I looked over to Louis, his eyes were focused on the road but he reached out and grabbed my hand rubbing tiny circles into the palms of my hand.

"Why do good people have to have such hard lives" I said looking down at my hands, it's not fair now Jordyn, she's always been one of the sweetest girls, and never showed any kind of trouble going on, but that's how people are they hide things and put on a smile for the world, I did it, I do it.

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