Chapter 27

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**Authors Note**

I'm so so so so sorry that it's been almost a month since I updated :( I feel terrible</3 I'm writing this at two thirty in the morning btw... so know that's how bad I feel


"Ready to go love?" Louis said as I pulled on my skinny jeans

"yup" I said sadly, I had been in a bad mood, hormones and all. We were getting ready to go to our second check up, Louis couldn't wait to see the baby, but I just wasn't feeling up to it

"what's wrong babe?" Louis said as he wrapped his arms around my waist

"I really don't know, I want to be happy but I just can't, I really want to be" I said as tears started falling from my eyes, I sat down on the bed Louis' arms still around my waist

"hey, hey everything's okay, it's just the pregnancy hormones once the baby is born everything will be okay" he cooed into my ear and planting a soft kiss on my temple "now lets go and see if that baby of ours is doing okay" he whispered while playing with my hand

"alright" I said with a sniffle and whipping my tears with my sleeve "I'm sorry, it must be really obnoxious having to deal with this" I whispered into Louis chest

"I wouldn't say really obnoxious" he joked causing me to smile

"alright lets go" I said standing up and grabbing my purse, making our way out of my room and downstairs where my dad-I still haven't gotten use to calling him that-was sitting watching TV "hi dad, we're going to go to our check up and then house hunting afterwards"

"alright love, just cal me if you need anything" he said standing up and kissing my cheek "I expect to see the sonograms" he said with a chuckle

"of course" I said with a smile

"alright lets go now" Louis said grabbing my hand "bye Simon, see you later" Simon gave a nod as we walked out and into Louis car

"So I have a few places to look at houses" Louis said as we were almost to the doctors office

"really?" I said with a big smile

"yup, they are pretty close to the boys and Simon's flats too, and they are all really family friendly" he said smiling over at me

"sounds lovely" at that moment we pulled up into the doctors "Louis, are we going to out the sex of the baby?" I questioned, I wanted to know but if Louis didn't want to then I would go with him

"I wanted to, but if you don't that's alright" he said giving me a sweet smile

"I really want to also, especially so we can decorate the room accordingly" I said jumping in my seat slightly

"alright" he said laughing lightly "I can't wait, have you thought of any names you like?" he said with a big smile

"I have" I said teasing him by not telling me the names I had on my mind

"oh and what are those?" he said getting out of the car and coming over to my side

"well, I really love the name Kennedy, so that's what I want for a girl, Kennedy Renae Tomlinson" I said with a big smile "and I was thinking you could choose the boys name if it were to be one" I said laughing

"I love that for a girl name, and that sounds fair, I was thinking Jacob William Tomlinson for a boy" he said with a shy smile as we entered to large sliding doors

"I love it" I said kissing his cheek "I think we just named our soon to be child" I said with a big smile

"I think we did" Louis said tightening his grip around my waist and resting his head on my forehead

"Mr Tomlinson Mrs Smith right this way please" a small nurse said, a clipboard in hand, Louis and I followed to where the nurse was walking a smile on both of our faces, I was truly happy in my life, sure it's been hard and we're young, but everything has fallen into place.

We sat in the two chairs, them squeaking with our weight. After the nurse informed us that our doctor would be in shortly she gave us a smile and left out the large wooden door. "I'm so excited to find out the sex" Louis said jumping in his seat

"I am too," I smiled looking at the bump that was slowly becoming bigger

"hello, Dr.Stevens is out today so I will be filling in for him, I'm Dr.Reynolds" a bigger man said as he walked into the room a large smile on his face

"hi, nice to meet you I'm Louis and this is my girlfriend Abigail" Louis said shaking the mans chubby hand

"lovely to meet you," he said giving my hand a short shake before moving over to a chair "alright, I'm just going to ask some questions that are needed to be out of the way" he said scanning over his clipboard

"okay" I said nodding

"do you still have morning sickness?" he questioned glancing up from his gaze on the paper infront of him

"not lately" I said thinking over the last week

"okay good good" he said writing on the paper "how about any cravings yet?"

"nope not really" I said laughing

He continued on with the questions and finally said that i could get up on the table and we could start with the sonogram "are you guys wanting to know the sex?" he asked as he squirt the cold blue gel onto my bare stomach, Louis holding onto my hand tightly, smiling at the screen that was still blank

"we were" Louis said quickly a bounce in his words

"alright, then lets get started" he moved the tool along my stomach and suddenly a small shape was presented onto the screen

"is that our  baby" I said breathlessly, it looking more like an alien than a human

"that she is" he said with a wide smile

"we're having a baby girl" Louis breathed out tears rimming his eyes "a baby princess" he whispered his hand tightening around mine, and his smile growing larger than before.

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