chapter 12

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I walked up to Louis and Eleanor, my feet dragging behind me, and a frown on my face, the little pebble that I was kicking became very interesting as I tried not to intrude on Eleanor and Louis' conversation.

"How was work love?" Louis asked sweetly

"It was great, they photo shoot was wonderful, I am going to be on the front page" she said batting her lashes up at Louis, he smiled and kissed her nose

"You are going to look amazing, I can't wait to see it" he said intertwining their fingers, I stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do, he really brought me here just to sit here and listen to him talking to his new girlfriend.

I let out a slight cough as they were sitting there staring at each other. "Whose this?" Eleanor said rudely rolling her eyes towards me, I almost let out a laugh, but held it back

"This is Abi, she's Simon's new daughter I guess you could say" Louis let out a chuckle not even noticing the glares that were being sent from Eleanor, I sent her a sweet smile, my shy demeanor taking over, she once again rolled her eyes and jumped onto Louis

"Why is she here" she whined in an awful noise

"Well, she's a very close friend to me, and I thought she should meet my girlfriend" with that word my heart broke into a thousand pieces, I felt like crumbling into a ball and dying right there, pain shot through my body, I walked away, trying to get anywhere but there, he had to know I was starting to have feelings, Niall was sweet, but not Louis, but Niall is here now, Louis has Eleanor.

I found a bench far away from the park on a little trail, I sent quick text to Niall

'Hey, could you come pick me up ~Abi xx' I waited for a text back that came very quickly

'Of course babe, what happened? Where are you? ~Ni xx' I smiled at my phone, Niall would always be there for me, he was my safety Louis was the risk.

'I'm at the park that's close to the shopping center, but I'm kind of off on a trail, just get me at the shopping center? I'll tell you what happened in the car, btw thanks Nialler<3 ~Abi xx'

I got up and started walking to the shopping center, I didn't know what else to do but get Niall to get me, Louis was here with Eleanor and wouldn't want me around anyways.

'Of course, I'll be there as soon as I can, be watching for me love ~Ni xx' I smiled at how sweet he was. breaking out of the woods I saw the shopping center and sat on a curb, it was just past noon so the sun was hot on my pale skin. I didn't notice until I saw a wet marks, on the thigh of my pants, tears were streaming down my face, Louis chose Eleanor over me, but who could blame him, she was a model, she was gorgeous, and she was perfect.

A car pulled up next to me, and Niall shot out of the car, "Abi are you okay?" he said in a sweet voice, I nodded my head 'no' I knew I was going to have to tell him, I had to tell him everything.

**Louis' POV**

As I called Eleanor my girlfriend, I saw her face light up, but I looked to Abi who had watering eyes, she started walking off, I started to follow her, but Eleanor pulled me back by my arm "just let her go, she obviously feels like she is intruding" I didn't want to, but Eleanor had a firm grip on me, so I watched Abi walk away, probably to get Niall to come and rescue her, something I wished I could do.

"Lets go on the swings!" Eleanor whined like a little kid, that was something I noticed of her, she is very whiny, and needy, I never fall for girls like that, so I don't see why I was even interested in Eleanor in the first place.

"Alright lets go" I sighed, she jumped with happiness as if she was a three year old. We walked over to the swings, she brushed her hand against mine, but I was to focused on what happened to Abi after she ran off to even bother taking it in my own. Finally she grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers, nothing happened, no spark, no shiver, just someones cold hand in mine.

We were swinging on the swings, Eleanor wasn't going high, but I was, I felt like I was a little kid again on the swings, all my worries drifted away, besides one, one thought I never have out of my head Abi, she was beautiful, her wavy brown hair that fell over her shoulders perfectly, her red lips that were always curled up showing off that amazing smile, her blue eyes that popped out, that petite figure that looked great in anything, her shy voice that sounded like an angel,

that's when it hit me, Eleanor looked a lot like Abi, with the same wavy brown hair, yet Abi's managed to make it look better, the same pale skin, but Abi seems to make it look prettier, the same red lips, but Abi managed to make them look more kissable, the same figure, but Abi managed to work it better. Abi managed to be better than Eleanor in every since that was exactly the same. But Abi was happily with Niall, her price charming, I couldn't get in the way of that, I wouldn't get in the way of that.

I stopped swinging and sat there as Eleanor twisted in the swing, she stopped when she realized I had, "Louis" she said concerned, "I really like you"

"I really like you too" lie

"I see us going somewhere in the future" she said smiling at my earlier response

"I do too" another lie

"I think you're the one Lou" she said looking at her feet

"I think you are too" biggest lie yet.

She leaned in across the swings and kissed me, there was nothing, just the feeling of her lips, no magic, no love, just a safety net. I knew whose lips I wanted upon mine, I knew whose lips I longed for, that beautiful red lipped, pale faced beauty they call Abi.

**Abi's POV**

"What happened" Niall said as he pulled away from the tight embrace,

"Louis happened" I sighed, and looked at my feet

"What do you mean love?" he said with a hurt look on his face

"Louis brought his new girlfriend Eleanor along, Niall i have strong feelings for you, but there are also the feelings there for Louis" I said sheepishly, I expected for him to storm off, to get in the car and leave me there, to yell in my face, but no Niall being that sweetheart he his took me in his arms, and planted little kisses all around my face, stopping right before my lips

"it's alright love, I'm not going to be mad, you can't help feelings, besides you said you have feelings for me, so let me push those other feelings away" and with that Niall crashed his lips to mine, roughly but soft, there was no magic, no spark, just warm lips on mine, the wrong lips, I needed Louis'

**Authors Note**

Sorry its so short :( I just thought this would be a great place to leave off! and let me say I love Eleanor, she is only like this in this story to give off the right vibe(:

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