Chapter 2

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     I took one more big breathe before beginning, "Soph, I don't know how to say it," I said taking a break, "mum and dad, died in a plane crash just a little while ago, and we are moving to London where we have a god father," I said all in one breathe very fast. "w-w-what?" she said choking on her own spit and the tears began to fall. I gathered her fragile body into my arms "it's okay love," I said smoothing her hair down. "why are you so calm!" she screamed as she pulled back. "I had time to think it out, I am very upset so upset, actually" I said more tears falling. I took her back into a hug and just held her as we both cried to the point our eyes were swollen, throats dried, and voice's cracking "we will make it through this Soph, we will make it through this together, I promise." 

We were currently packing, packing all our things for our new lives. I had four big bags of almost everything I owned, including all my clothes, my music sheets and instruments. Sophia had just as much but hers were all filled with clothes and pictures. she was having a very hard time with this, because that meant leaving all her friends in our beloved little town just outside of L.A. we have always lead the high life, with money and never running out of things to do, since that I put my walls up, I use to have friends, a lot but they would only use me to get money, or close to my parents if they wanted to get signed.

    I have never been in love, and I promise to myself I never will be, boys were a whole new trouble that a girl could go with out. I focused my time on my music, I had a different taste from most people, but I also liked some great artists like Ed Sheeran, he was by far my favorite and all I was listening to at the moment.

     My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a car horn signaling for us to bring out bags down and leave for our flight to London, I was dreading it, not but only three days ago my parents were on a flight and crashed to the ground killing them, and the fact that they were still flying back home to Soph and me really upset me, I wouldn't tell Sophia that, but I couldn't help but feel it was all my fault.

     I walked out to see a slick black limo sitting in our driveway. Sophia let out a little squeal and jumped into the car, I gave a nod and told the driver thank you as he shut the door for me, "so London here we come?" Sophia said nervously playing with her fingers, "I guess so."


     As we walked into the airport the sound of people running around and their suitcases following close behind filled my ears, I looked back at Sophia who looked just as nervous as me, we hurried around checking our luggage, and getting our tickets.

     We were sitting in the uncomfortable chairs provided by the waiting lounge of the airport, I heard over the intercom the whiny voice of one of the ladies behind the counter call our flight number "looks like this is us" I said taking in a deep breathe, "ready for this?" I said as I took her hand in mine and gave a soft squeeze "as I'll ever be" she replied with a sigh, "we will be fine Soph" I said not sounding so sure myself.

       "Please fasten your seat belt, we will be taking off shortly" I heard the flight attendant voice ring through my ears as I buckled me seat belt. "What if something goes wrong Abi?" Sophia asked sounding like a little kid. "Everything will be okay, we will get to London and get to meet our new god father, and maybe we will like him, he sounded very nice on the phone" I said giving a smile. "Hopefully" she said with a sigh. I sat back preparing myself for what was coming, a whole new life, with different people, and a new 'family'.


       I was jolted awake by the plane bumping up and down, "please make sure your seat belts are fastened we are experiencing some turbulence" my hands began to sweat and I was panicking, but then the seat belt light went off and the plane returned to normal, I sighed and heard the light voice of the flight attendant came back through the speakers, "Everyone, we will be landing in London in about fifteen minutes, please buckle your seat belts and prepare for landing" I got very nervous, and scared, here we were starting our new life, a new adventure, but this time our parents wouldn't be my Soph and I's side.

       "Sophia wake up" I said gently nudging her, she always was easy to wake up "Are we there?" she said almost fully awake now, "mhhm" I said giving a nod. "Oh goodness, I'm scared" she said looking out the window at the bright lights, "Don't be, we will be fine, and we will have fun" I said with a smile. "How can you be so calm, I mean we just went to our parents funeral two days ago" I really didn't know how to answer to this, I guess it was just because I was being strong for her, but also I just couldn't break down and cry, I wasn't the emotional type of person "I don't know, I am so sad Soph don't think that, I just show it differently is all" I said looking at my hands "I see" she said as the plane hit the runway, "well here we are" I said with a small sad smile, "here we are."

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