Chapter 20

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Authors Note**

I'm so sorry that I took so long with this upload! I got here to Australia, and I couldn't find any time to update:( I'm so sorry</3 don't hate me!


"Girls, lets get going!" I sang through out the house as I came running down the stairs, Louis still right behind me laughing at my loud screams, Danielle and Perrie popped out from the media room and came over to me

"you look gorgeous!" they both said causing me to blush

"thank you, you guys shouldn't be talking though" is said adding a wink at the end causing them to giggle

"alright lou lou, I'm gonna go now" I whispered into his ear as he gave me a warm hug "I love you"

"I love you too, don't meet any cute boys and leave me" he said with a frown, I kissed his cheek and unwrapped his arms

"I would never, see ya soon" I said winking at him, he gave a little wave and walked off to where Harry was sitting in the living room

"ready to go?" I said facing the two stunning girls in front of me, they nodded and headed out the door.


"So what's the story with you and Louis?" Perrie said as we sat in Starbucks

"what do you mean?" I said tilting my head

"how did you guys meet, what are your feelings for him, where do you see each other as a couple in the future" Danielle explained playfully rolling her eyes

"oh," I said sighing knowing I had to answer "he makes me happy, we met when we both were on the Eye, and it broke down, cliche I know, but it was love at first sight, I had a stupid rule 'girls don't need boys' this caused the girls to giggle

"that's so cute!" they both gushed sipping their drinks

"we talked for the whole night, I fell asleep in his arms, I felt safe and it was the best I had slept in months, when we woke I discovered that my god father was Simon Cowell, and that was their manager, so he brought me back to his and Harry's flat, that happened to be next to mine and introduced me to the boys, I was stupid, and made a stupid choice to go for Niall."

"wait, you dated Niall?" Perrie said with her eyebrows raised, I nodded slowly

"I don't know why, I only see him as a brother, he's sweet, but not my type" I said looking at my cup

"I see" Danielle said

"anyways, I kept having these feelings for Louis, and well, one day after an interview Eleanor pushed me into a room telling me if I didn't stay away from the boys, especially Louis, she would tell them all how I-" I cut myself off and looked out the window

"you know you can tell us anything, we really like you, and we want trust between us" Danielle said, Perrie nodding in agreement

"I use to cut, and I attempted suicide, multiple times, she was threatening to tell the tabloids," I sighed "Louis heard the whole thing, and told Eleanor they were over and to get out of his face, that's when he came over to me, we kissed and Niall saw, he ran out angry, and when I saw his face after I took off for him, my heart broke he looked so depressed, I explained and he understood, and now he has Jordyn so I guess it's all okay" I said with a nervous giggle at the end

"that's awful babe, I'm so sorry," Perrie said wrapping me in her thin arms

"you didn't deserve that, I'm sorry, I love you" Danielle sang I laughed as she hugged me too

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