Chapter 21

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**Authors Note**

outfit in external link(: Hiya(: so guys you can kik me(: my username is Harry's Wife or jamiemonroe1515 I don't know which one will show up(: yeah, I'm a bored child, if you do kik me just be like 'hey I decided to kik you because I saw it in the AN' so I know you aren't some creeper (; LOVE YOU ALL BIOTCHES<3


I held onto Louis' hand tightly as the casket was slowly descending into the ground, I tried to tell myself that we were celebrating his life, that he was happier now, no worries, but I couldn't get myself to think that.

"Everything's going to be okay, I promise" Louis cooed into my ear, the gray sky turned darker and a rumble of thunder rolled through the green landscape of the graveyard, a single rain droplet fell and hit Josh's tombstone that read

'Josh Anderson 1993-2012 Forever in our minds, Forever in our hearts, Love always xx'

Suddenly it was pouring, who knew that the cliche funeral was in store, Josh would have hated this, he would have gone on and on about 'this is to cliche, where are the birds and the sun, this is a celebration of someones beautiful life for crying out loud!'

"Do you want to go inside with the rest?" I heard Louis' soft voice from beside be

"I'm going to stay out here for a moment, you can go though" I said kissing his cheek, he nodded and lightly pecked my lips

"please don't stay out here to long, I don't want you falling ill" he said kissing my nose, I nodded and watched as his figure retreated into the dark rain.

"Hey Joshie, I know you already gave me reassurance that everythings going to be okay, but I'm still going to say my goodbye" I said talking to his tombstone, "I'm really going to miss you, I know I have Soph, Louis, Jordyn, Niall, even Zayn Liam and Harry, but you were and are my best friend, I guess I'll just be talking to a piece of rock now to get advise" I said with a slight chuckle

"I better get inside now Joshie, Louis doesn't want me getting sick, I could care less at this moment though, I just miss you so much already, I love you" I whispered as I blew a kiss towards his grave and threw the rose I had been holding in the mixture of other flowers "don't have to much fun with out me" I said as I turned and walked inside the dining hall where everyone was sitting and having lunch

"hey babe" Louis whispered into my ear, I returned his comment with a small smile and took a seat at the table he had been sitting at before he stood to great me, at the table held Josh's family, his mom, dad, and younger sister who was Sophia's age,

"Hiya" I said giving a small wave

"darling, your speech was just beyond words, thank you so much" his mom whimpered as more tears spilled out of his eyes

"it's no problem at all Tracy, I loved him so much, and it was the least I could do" I said with a smile, Lindsay, Josh's sister rolled her eyes at me and mouthed 'fake' she had never liked me for some reason, she never liked Sophia either, she was a gorgeous girl with long black hair, and piercing gray eyes, I just smiled at her and sat down

"so, Abigail, this is your boyfriend Louis?" Josh's father Rick spoke up, I nodded with a blush running over my face "I feel as if I have seen you somewhere before, am I correct?" Tracy said sipping her water,

"you probably have" I said chuckling, causing Lindsay to once again roll her eyes at me

"please mom, he's in One Direction, the biggest boy band on this planet, and he's the sexiest one" she said with a wink towards Louis that caused my jaw to drop, Louis gripped my waist tighter pulling me closer to him in a protective and reassuring way

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