Chapter 16

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"What do you want?" I snapped as Eleanor pulled away from me,

"you know exactly what I want, I want you to leave Louis alone" she said her brown eyes shining in the dim light of the room,

"Eleanor, we are just friends, why don't you understand that!" I whisper yelled trying to get it through her head, I was really shaking and crying, but I wasn't going to show Eleanor she scared me.

"Please, I see the way you look at him, you wish you were me, you wish it was you he was holding in his arms at night, you wish I had never popped into the picture" she said with a smug look on her face, playing with her pink nails

"Eleanor really, we could have gotten along, I don't see why you are like this" I said looking at my feet nervous of what she was up to

"I'm like this, because I see they way he looks at you too" she said glaring at me "he wants you just as much as you want him, but I'm not going to let that happen" she said with a smile on her face and a bounce to her words.

"That's why if you don't stay away from him, I'll tell your little secrets to the whole world, who knew that you were so messed up" I snapped my head up to her, she was still smiling, I glared at her and laughed

"you wouldn't, if Louis ever found out you did something like that he would drop you in a matter of seconds" I said with a scowl not caring about the shy Abi at this point

"oh I wouldn't? I think that the world would love to know about your little 'past times'" she said putting quotations around 'past times'.

My heart began raising, my palms began sweating, what if she really did go to the tabloids and tell them all about my secrets, what if she did have the guts to do that.

"So, is the whole world going to know?" she whispered in my ear causing goosebumps to rise on my skin

"I'm sure you don't even know what my 'secrets' are, I think your bluffing just so that I will promise to stay away from Louis" I said not so confidently back

"oh really, so then, what are these?" she said holding up my arm causing my bracelets to fall, "I know that you cut yourself, it's a shame only cowards do that" she said with a smirk "what about those two times you tried to OD?" I stood there in shock, she knew the two things I had tried to hide from everyone for so long, those things I pushed out of my brain.

"I know that you are cutting yourself, how does it make you feel? Like the whole world is going to turn to a better place, like you are cutting away your problems, well that won't work. What about when you tried to commit suicide those two times, because you felt like no one loved you? It's true, no one does and if you don't stay away from Louis, then the whole world will know.

"Eleanor?" I heard a deep voice break through the dark room "w-what are you doing?" I heard him choke again, suddenly the lights turned on, Eleanor had pushed us against a wall, and she jumped back

"Nothing Louis babe, we were just talking" she said with a sweet smile as she walked up to the stunned looking boy. as soon as she got close enough Louis backed away and glared at her

"yeah, talking about how you're going to tell the tabloids about very personal things!" he said making Eleanor jump

"it wasn't like that babe, I just know that she was going to try and steal you!" she whined

"don't call me babe" Louis spat making her cringe away "she wasn't trying to steal me at all, but you, you are an evil person I'm done with you just get out of my sight" he said looking at me and his facial expression softening

"Louis! Please, I told you she was going to steal you away" she said placing her hands on her hips

"no, you are the only one that did this, it's your fault no get out of our sight" he said pointing to the open door, she let out a 'huf' and walked out her head held high,

"Fine, I was just here for the publicity anyways" she said and then turning back around and storming out. I looked to Louis who was now walking towards me, he wrapped me in his arms as I began to cry

"did you hear everything?" I whispered

"I heard enough to know that you are better than that, you should love yourself, you are gorgeous and perfect in every way," he whispered into the crook of my neck

"thank you Louis" I said with a sniffle

"why?" is all he said as he pulled away from me and looked in my eyes, I Knew exactly what he was talking about

"I don't know, I started a long time ago, it made me feel better, I hated myself, and it felt like the only way to get back at myself, and I never had many friends, and I got bullied and picked on so one day I tried to commit suicide, and when I woke up in the hospital I was so angry I yelled at my parents for hours telling them how much better it would be if I were just gone" I said looking down at my feet.

Picking my chin up so that I was looking into his crystal blue eyes Louis stared at me with a tear in the corner of his eye "don't you ever say that, you are an amazing girl" and then suddenly he was leaning in, his hot breath running against my lips, and his eyes fluttering closed, doing the same I felt his nose brush against mine and suddenly our lips connected.

Fireworks were going off, music was playing, my body went weak, and I knew that I needed to be with Louis. Suddenly I heard the door open and a gasp, jumping away from Louis I turned to see a hurt looking Niall just as he ran out the door. Louis gave me a sad look

"Go after him, explain, I guess we shouldn't have done that" he said looking down at his feet

"no Louis, we should have especially if you felt half of what I felt, I have never felt that with Niall before, hell I have never felt that with anyone." I said looking at him straight in the eyes and pecking his lips again, I felt him smile under my touch and then I walked off to find the Irish boy, my own smile covering my face.

Sitting outside against a wall I saw Niall, his head in his hands, "Niall?" I said as I got closer to him, he looked up at me and then looked away again, sliding down the wall that he was on I looked over at him

"you have to understand that I have feelings for Louis, and until now I didn't know how strong they were, and I thought maybe if I just push those away I could develop stronger feelings for you, bu that's not the case, I love you but as a brother and that's all I will ever see you as, is an amazing best friend and brother" I said playing with my fingers

"I understand Abi, it's just I really like you, and it's hard, but I guess I understand I can't change your feelings, so I guess I'll have to do with best friends" he said smiling at me, I jumped into his arms and gave him a huge hug

"thank you Niall, you are so amazing most people would have been angry, thank you" I said whispering the last part, I stood up and took Niall's arm skipping inside.

"hey Lou" I said with a wink as I saw him sitting on the couch, he let out a little chuckle and patted his lap telling me to sit there, so I ran and jumped

"Oi, you could have just sat" he whispered into my ear causing those same goosebumps to go wild "so how did it go with Niall" he said so no one else could hear, they had given us funny looks when I sat on Louis lap but then just brushed it off

"great, we're just friends" I said with a large smile, Louis' face broke out into the brightest smile I have ever seen on a person

"that means you're all mine" he said with a little wink "so Abi, are you free tomorrow night?" he said in a posh accent causing me to giggle

"I think I am" I winked at him

"well would you like to go on a date?" those words sent butterflies bursting through my stomach

"I'd love to" I whispered as I kissed his cheek.

**Authors Note**

who expected that to happen? :O and AWWW louis and Abi got their first kiss with each other(:

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