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hey guys! Jamie here(:

So! I have some good news, sorry this isn't an update, but I think what I'm gonna tell you in this update will be fun!<3

SOO as you all know poor Niall got his heart broken :( and I need a new love interest for him(: That's where you guys come in!

I want you guys to 'audition' to be his girlfriend(: if I don't get enough I might just make one up! Or choose from the small number that entered!

What you need to do to enter is message me with your name, and describe yourself (detailed) like hair, eyes, color of skin, how tall, how long the your hair is.

You also need to describe your personality! There are no limits on how much info you can give me! Also name things that make you different and stand out from the others!

I also need some background on you (this part doesn't have to be one hundred percent real) so say you want to say your parents died, or you self harm, and also mention where you live.

I also wanna hear how you want you and Niall to meat! it HAS to fit the story though! and also I need an age (this can be made up if you aren't old enough to date Niall) I don't want any like 13's or 30's that would be weird... :O haha alright so get to it!

I'll post the winner on Sunday, so that means last chance to enter will be Saturday(:

p.s. I want the character to be real, someone people can relate to, not some stuck up snob that everyone would hate in my story!

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