Chapter Six: Revelations To Christo

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Christopherus Kruger walked down the hallway and towards the New Jedi Temple youngling apartments. Carefully concealing the bag of sweets he carried in his hand with the sleeve of his Jedi cloak, he was about to knock on the door when he heard his name over the loudspeakers.

“Christopherus Kruger, please report to briefing room immediately,” came Ahsoka’s voice, fizzing slightly with static.

He rolled his eyes. What have I done now? He asked the universe, and reluctantly left the bag just outside the door, where he knew someone would find it. He had a soft spot for the youngest padawans, and would bring them candies or teach them something about fighting or ships whenever he could.

Probably because he had had such a rough childhood of his own, and he wanted to make someone else’s better.

Suddenly he heard a sharp fizz-crackle over the sound system, followed by two short taps. He raised his eyebrows. This was an interesting turn of events.

Those sounds were the secret signal that Ahsoka had set up to summon those closest to her, such as himself, Anakin, Lux and Amni. When she had been explaining the whole thing, she had literally said, scratch whatever I just said, and meet me at my room pronto.

And one of her favorite decoy terms, meaning the ones that she used before she played the code was ‘report to the briefing room immediately’.

He changed his course, instead heading towards Ahsoka’s room.

After a few minutes of jogging, Christo reached Ahsoka’s room. The passkey on the door read unlocked, meaning that he was allowed to walk right in. He opened the door, and was met with a peculiar sight.

The others had already arrived, but something was up. Amni and Lux were standing awkwardly aside, while Ahsoka was sitting next to and trying to comfort Anakin, who was lying facedown on the bed, his knuckles clenching the sheets. In another situation he would have laughed, but their worried expressions told him that doing so wouldn’t be wise.

He suddenly wondered why Padme Amidala, the former Senator for Naboo and thought dead up until a few months before, was. She was Anakin’s wife, and he wondered why she wasn’t here to comfort him. But then he remembered. She was away on Alderaan for the week, but she hadn’t told anyone why…

“What’s going on?” he tried asking, and Ahsoka looked up.

“Good. Now we’re all here,” she said, then turned back towards Anakin. “Do you think you can talk?”

The gesture muffled in her fluffy brown comforter, he nodded no.

She ran a hand through his golden-brown hair soothingly, more proof of her ever-present mothering instinct. “Okay, then I’ll tell them.” Taking a deep breath, she began. “Anakin ran into the room a few minutes ago. He told me that he had been trying to unlock a Sith holcron.”

What?” Christo fairly shouted, and he saw Anakin tense even more. “Where in the galaxy would he have found one of those?

Ahsoka looked uncomfortable. “In my bedroom…”

Lux seemed to know what she was talking about, but Amni was as in the dark about the whole matter as he was.

“Okay,” Christo said, trying to calm down. “I want the whole story, right now.”

The Togruta sighed. “Lux and I found it in the Jedi Temple during Order 66. Anakin figured out how to unlock it about a year ago, and accidentally released Darth Maul’s life spirit, which was trapped inside.” She continued to run her fingers through Anakin’s hair. “He thought that there would be information that we could use inside, and that his powers as the Chosen One would protect him from the Dark Side. Then, just now, he tried again. And–”

Anakin sat up quickly, and Christo suddenly knew why he had been hiding his face. His cheeks were streaked with tears, and his eyes were red and puffy. He had probably managed to get to Ahsoka’s room, and then had started crying.

He cut her off. “And I heard the voice of Qui-Gon Jinn.”

*Anakin has heard the voice of one he thought dead, as he did once before, on Mortis all those years ago. But could there be something more to the mysterious voice? Could it be a trick, or is it in earnest? And will Lux find out the truth about the strange 'Enarion Jarrus Dume'? And what will Ahsoka choose to do about her pregnancy? Who will she tell? You'll find out in the next chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Hello Wattpadawans! I would like to get the guys up here for a talk (because they stole the five or six caramels that I was hiding), but I have to go in a few minutes. I have the next chapter ready as well, and if the Force is with me then I should be able to post it tonight... But who knows.

Sorry if any of you are a little mad at me that I took a four-day hiatus, but it couldn't be helped.

So I'll be going now, and may the Force be with you ALWAYS,


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